Farah Nefzaoui, Mohamed Fethi Ben Hamouda, Paula Maria Carreira, José Manuel Marques and Hans G. M. Eggenkamp
The key processes responsible for the rise in groundwater salinization in the Mio?Pliocene aquifer system of Sousse (Tunisia, eastern coastline) were identified through a multidisciplinary approach based on the use of geochemical, stable (2H, 13C, 18O an...
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Diego Carreira-Flores, Puri Veiga, Jesús Fernández-Gutiérrez, Pedro T. Gomes and Marcos Rubal
Scavenging fauna plays an integral role in ecosystem functioning, nutrient cycling and circulating organic matter. Thus, baseline data of scavenger assemblages on the NW coast of the Iberian Peninsula that provides information on the abundance of species...
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Luís Vicente, Fernando Carreira, Francisco M. Campos, Mário J. G. C. Mendes, João M. F. Calado and Gamboa Carvalho
The washing of road tankers is currently still a manual process that requires an operator to place the washing head into the tanks. To increase productivity and operator safety, it is essential to implement automated systems with Fault Detection and Isol...
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Solange Almeida, Luís Gomes, Alcino Oliveira and Paula Carreira
São Pedro do Sul thermomineral aquifer system is located in the North of Portugal. Hydrogeochemistry and isotopic studies were conducted in order to improve knowledge of this groundwater system, known since ancient Roman times for their therapeutic prope...
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Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho, Carlos Augusto da Silva Cunha, Maria Lúcia Pato, Paulo Jorge Lourenço Costa, María Carmen Sánchez-Carreira, Nikolaos Georgantzís, Raimundo Nonato Rodrigues and Freddy Coronado
Climate change and global warming interconnected with the new contexts created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict have brought serious challenges to national and international organizations, especially in terms of food security and ...
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Marcelo Rodrigues Barbosa Júnior, Danilo Tedesco, Vinicius dos Santos Carreira, Antonio Alves Pinto, Bruno Rafael de Almeida Moreira, Luciano Shozo Shiratsuchi, Cristiano Zerbato and Rouverson Pereira da Silva
Remote sensing can provide useful imagery data to monitor sugarcane in the field, whether for precision management or high-throughput phenotyping (HTP). However, research and technological development into aerial remote sensing for distinguishing cultiva...
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Claudio de Souza Miranda,João Paulo Resende de Lima
O presente trabalho analisa o nível de turnover e qualidade de vida entre os profissionais de auditoria externa. Para tal,foi realizado um levantamento com 329 auditores de diversas empresas de auditoria de diferentes tamanhos. Os resultados indicam...
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Maicon Nunes do Couto Assunção,Jose Airton Mendonça de Melo
Pág. 111 - 126
Uma organização é mais eficiente quando sabe administrar conflitos entre seus colaboradores, que têm estilos de vidas, características de personalidade e motivações diferentes. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é identificar quais são os principais fatores ...
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Vanessa Nunes de Souza Alencar Vasconcelos,Amélia Silveira,Cristiane Drebes Pedron,Diego César Terra de Andrade
Pág. 159 - 188
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar, a partir da Teoria Sociocognitiva do Desenvolvimento de Carreira, como os fatores que explicam a intenção empreendedora de estudantes universitários de uma IES brasileira podem influenciar o desenvolvimento...
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David Gomez Jimenez, Sofia Carreira Santos, Lennart Greiff, Kersti Alm and Malin Lindstedt
Cancer stem cells from oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into heterogeneous three-dimensional structures carrying features of tumor cells. Here, we describe a simple and label-free method for g...
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