A. Wirth,F. Pacheco,N. Toma,V. Valiati,B. Tutikian,L. Gomes
Pág. Page 05 - 14
Walls are essential for buildings because they delimitate surroundings while influencing durability. Regarding the development of buildings, lightweight systems have emerged, which usually have internal closures of gypsum boards with several coating opti...
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Carlos Esse, Pablo J. Donoso, Víctor Gerding, Francisco Encina-Montoya
Pág. 351 - 360
Nothofagus dombeyi grows in a wide variety of sites in Chile (30-47°S), but there is little knowledge about its productive potential. This lack of information hinders decision-making to better guide the production of goods and services from these forests...
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Jairo Humberto Torres Acosta, Diana Soraya Ahumada Quito, Víctor Hugo Medina García
Pág. 27 - 41
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Teodoro Ribera Neumann
Pág. Págs. 121 - 144
E1 18 de noviembre de 2003 e1 TribunaI Constitucional dictó una sentencia y precisó que es competente para conocer de la constitucionalidad de un decreto con fuerza de ley cuando excede o contraviene su ley delegatoria. Este fallo se originó en un requer...
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Jasentuliyana, N; Toma, R B; Klavons, J A; Medora, N
Pág. 389 - 394
Uthman, R S; Toma, R B; Garcia, R; Medora, N P; Cunningham, S
Pág. 261 - 266