Siti Indah Purwaning Yuwana,Isti Fadah
Pág. 30 - 37
The change in the service orientation of the pharmaceutical industry from product-oriented to patient-oriented and the high public need for pharmaceutical products, especially after Indonesia experienced the COVID-19 pandemic, became an excellent opportu...
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Yanto Effendi,(Dehasen Bengkulu UniversityIndonesia)Sri Narti,(Dehasen Bengkulu UniversityIndonesia)
Pág. 266 - 276
The purpose of this study was to determine with SWOT analysis for the marketing strategy of tourism destination Mas Harun Bastari Lake, Mujerejo Village, Rejang Lebong Regency. SWOT analysis for as internal factor (Strengths,Weaknesses)...
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Zulfa Fitri Ikatrinasari,Sampik Krisning Tyas,Babay Jutika Cahyana,Purwanto Purwanto
Pág. 63 - 67
Indonesia Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) in 2018 released data that internet users in Indonesia amounted to 64,8 %. An increasing number of internet usage is used by marketers to market their products or services through the internet. Dig...
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Dewi Rachmawati, Rusdarti Rusdarti, Y. Titik Haryati
Pág. 57 - 66
Natural potential of strawberry fruit agrotourism are still being developed in order to become the main destination when it comes to Serang Village, Karangreja District, Purbalingga Regency. So, the right strategy for developing Strawberry Fruit Agrotour...
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Tutik Tutik, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti, Kardoyo Kardoyo
Pág. 84 - 93
The potential which is possessed by tourism object of Kreo Cave still needs to be developed again so that it becomes the major of tourism destination that is the most attractive in Semarang city. Therefore, it is needed the strategy of developing the tou...
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Dede Setya Ramadhan
Pág. 117 - 126
Kota Semarang adalah ibukota Jawa Tengah yang lebih dikenal sebagai kota bisnis dan industri, tetapi bukan berarti Kota Semarang tidak memiliki obyek wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Salah satu obyek wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi adalah Obyek...
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Izzatun Ni?mah
Pág. 410 - 425
Kinerja sektor pariwisata Wilayah Kedungsepur mengalami peningkatan pada indikator jumlah objek wisata, tenaga kerja, wisatawan, pendapatan, dan PDRB sektor pariwisata, namun kontribusi sektor pariwisata terhadap PDRB dan rata-rata lama tinggal wisatawan...
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Siti Mujanah,Tri Ratnawati,Sri Andayani
Pág. 81 - 90
This study aims to find an effective strategy in the development of Hinterland Tourism Village in Mount Bromo area. It is a descriptive explanatory research to build a model of grand design for rural tourism development. It took three tourism villages ar...
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Ayie Eva Yuliana
Abstrak___________________________________________________________________Industri kecil kerajinan genteng di Kabupaten Kebumen mempunyai peranan penting dalampenyerapan tenaga kerja dan meningkatkan pendapatan. Pada tahun 2009 2011 industri inimengalam...
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Angga Pradikta
Abstrak___________________________________________________________________Pariwisata merupakan salah satu hal yang penting bagi suatu negara. Dengan adanya pariwisata ini, maka suatunegara atau lebih khusus lagi pemerintah daerah tempat objek wisata itu ...
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