El presente trabajo pretende contribuir al análisis de los instrumentos de planificación y ordenamiento territorial pertenecientes al secano costeroy depresión intermedia de la Región de O?Higgins frente a los agresivos y dinámicos cambios de la naturale...
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Charles Evandre Vieira Ferreira,Patrícia Binkowski
No Brasil, a partir da promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988, ocorreram mudanças significativas na legislação, principalmente para as comunidades remanescentes de quilombos, até então criminalizadas. Desse modo, na tentativa de reparar esse dano, d...
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Abdullah Wajir Jabid,Bakri Soamole,Rahman Dano Mustafa
Pág. 115 - 131
AbstractThe main problem of employment includes the amount of open unemployment, the low quality of the workforce (low competency), low work productivity, and low welfare of workers, so workforce planning is needed that can be used as a reference by all ...
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Orianne Jenck, Armita Obaei, Fabrice Emeriault and Christophe Dano
Foundations of offshore and nearshore wind energy production systems are subjected to multidirectional and cyclic loads, due to the combined action of wind and waves and in the particular case of mutualized anchor foundations for floating wind turbines, ...
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Katerina Kombiadou, Susana Costas and Dano Roelvink
Short-term beach morphodynamics are typically modelled solely through storm-induced erosion, disregarding post-storm recovery. Yet, the full cycle of beach profile response is critical to simulating and understanding morphodynamics over longer temporal s...
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Duoc Tan Nguyen, Niels G. Jacobsen and Dano Roelvink
This study aims at developing a new set of equations of mean motion in the presence of surface waves, which is practically applicable from deep water to the coastal zone, estuaries, and outflow areas. The generalized Lagrangian mean (GLM) method is emplo...
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Vicente de Paulo Augusto de Oliveira Júnior,Daniel Pagliuca
Quando do julgamento do Recurso Extraordinário de nº. 654.833, o Supremo Tribunal Federal ? STF, fixou o reconhecimento, por maioria dos votos, em sede de repercussão geral, na Repercussão Geral de nº. 999, a tese de imprescritibilidade da pretensão pela...
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Umar Lawal Dano
Floods are among the most destructive natural hazards that cost lives and disrupt the socioeconomic activities of residents, especially in the rapidly growing cities of developing countries. Jeddah, a coastal city situated in Saudi Arabia, has experience...
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Sabrina Jiukoski da Silva,Thatiane Cristina Fontão Pires
Como resposta às mudanças climáticas por fatores antrópicos, a litigância climática alcança importância ímpar na atribuição do ônus específico de reparar o dano climático. Nesse contexto, o presente artigo tem por escopo averiguar a caracterização da res...
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Lucimar da Silva Santiago,Lucas Feitosa de A. L. Babadopulos,Jorge Barbosa Soares
Pág. 121 - 136