Heru Purboyo Hidayat Putro, Pradono Pradono and Titus Hari Setiawan
Multi-actor multi-criteria analysis (MAMCA) was developed with a process involving the participation of various stakeholders. Stakeholders express various criteria as measures for the achievement of their respective goals. In general, the assessment of e...
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Efriyani Sumastuti, Nuswantoro Setyadi Pradono
Pág. 152 - 159
The purpose of this research is to arrange an empowerment model for farmers of prime food crops in order to anticipate climate change in Central Java. The data used are primary ones collected through in-depth interviews with key persons and via Focus Gro...
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Muhammad Fathoni, Pradono Pradono, Ibnu Syabri, Y.R. Shanty
Pág. 4544 - 4559
For a country with abundant river availability like Indonesia, a lot of remote rural areas rely on river transport as the only accessible choice. Meanwhile, river transport in Indonesia is relatively neglected where the number of river vessels and naviga...
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Nunu Noviandi, P. Pradono, Muhammad Tasrif, Iwan P Kusumantoro
Pág. 3314 - 3332
With a population over 10 million people and the region's economic growth rate of 7% per year, then the Jabodetabek area is the largest mega-regions in Indonesia. As the consequences, the complexity of the transportation problems in the region increased ...
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Pradono Pradono,Budi Faisal,Yani Adriani,Rikeu R.,R. Fajriasanti
Pág. 46 - 49
The root of the problems in Puncak area is the least tourism products developed in accordance with the sustainable principles. Local tourism actors and entrepreneurs engaged in tourism tend to offer modern man-made tourism facilities and less concern wit...
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Efriyani Sumastuti, Nuswantoro Setyadi Pradono
Pág. 31 - 38
Perubahan iklim di sektor pertanian tanaman pangan dan hortikultura pada umumnya mempunyai tiga dampak, yaitu : Banjir, Kekeringan dan Serangan Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman (OPT). Dampak ketiga hal tersebut di atas mengakibatkan sektor pertanian, k...
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