Manon Ruffini, Jelena Vucinic, Simon de Givry, George Katsirelos, Sophie Barbe and Thomas Schiex
Proteins are the main active molecules of life. Although natural proteins play many roles, as enzymes or antibodies for example, there is a need to go beyond the repertoire of natural proteins to produce engineered proteins that precisely meet applicatio...
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Filip Barbé, Geoffrey Labarque, Maurice Pensaert, and Kristien Van Reeth
Pág. 88 - 96
Liesbeth BARBÉ,1, Kim VERBEKEN1, and Emiel WETTINCK
Pág. 1251
Bertrand, A. Barbe, J. C.
Pág. 1571 - 1573
Revel, G de; Pripis-Nicolau, L; Barbe, J-C; Bertrand, A
Pág. 102 - 108
Barbe, C; Dubourdieu, D
Pág. 471 - 478
Héctor Barbe Pérez
Pág. Pág. 5 - 14
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