Yusuf Fadli
Pág. 89 - 106
Salah satu ciri pemikiran politik Islam era klasik adalah tidak mempersoalkan kedudukan agama dan negara, apakah terintegrasi atau terpisah. Perdebatan yang terjadi di era klasik berkisar pada wajibnya pendirian sebuah negara, cara memilih kepala negara,...
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Pág. 511 - 532
As one of countries which has the large tropical forests in the world and the largest in ASEAN, Indonesia has been facing serious deforestation problems. Eventhough some scholars have found causes of the deforestation and have tried to give solutio...
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Hemaadri SR
Pág. 1 - 5
1951 Convention has widely been adopted as the standard framework to deal with refugee issue, whether through being a signatory of convention or replicating the principles while deliberating over a national or regional refugee law. The paper would attemp...
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Marcelo Augusto do Nascimento Muniz,Marcio Eduardo Brotto,Marcio Eduardo Brotto
Pág. 153 - 170
Historicamente, o debate em torno da política de saúde sempre representou uma das questões mais complexas e contraditórias no âmbito da questão social no Brasil. Neste sentido, podemos afirmar que a saúde é parte e expressão da estrutura macrossocietária...
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Michael A. Jones, George W. Stone
Many scholars and interest groups in the U.S. advocate for more gun-control in terms of restrictions on sales. Following the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Connecticut in December 2012, The Obama Administration initiated legislation to restrict gu...
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