This research take title Factors Influencing Intake of Micro Credit in Company of Area Bank Credit People Djoko Tingkir Sragen regency. used by Data for analysis represent obtained primary data from Micro business unit faction responder and small business unit. Problem of which will look for by its answer in this research is Factor what influencing intake of micro credit in PD. the BPR Djoko Tingkir Sragen regency.Diantara factor which most having an effect on variable to intake of micro credit in PD. BPR Djoko Tingkir Sragen regency. Intention of this research is to know factors influencing the amount of intake of micro credit in PD. BPR Djoko Tingkir either through parsial and also collectively/together is same. To know variable having influence most dominant to amount of intake of micro credit in PD. BPR Djoko Tingkir. This Research benefit is Can be used by government in intake of wisdom related to effort of[is make-up of economic faction weaken to be expected can instruct usage of credit precisely for productive effort so that can improve earnings. Way of Intake of sampel in this research use sampling frame system, result of analisi use that, capital variable early effort, advantage ofis effort and competitor interest rate have an effect on by signifikan to intake of micro credit in PD. BPR Djoko Tingkir Sragen regency. At classic Test assumption of goodness test heteroskedastisitas and multikolinearitas there no problem and at located autokorelasi test is area there no is auto of correlation meaning that do not happened the problem of autokorelasi. Capital factor early effort, of is effort and rate of interest storey;level have an effect on by signifikan to intake of micro credit, hence suggested by every variable from micro business unit and also small business unit do/conduct intake of micro credit in PD BPR Djoko Tingkir. Stipulating of Rate of interest credit shall should not too high because with rate of interest which can be reached by middle and small micro small business unit faction will be able to improve credit ekspansi which is on finally will improve advantage. Party/ side BPR expected can give attention more especially in order to construction development and improvement continue effort for middle and small micro business unit ( UMKM). In general given credit or dikucurkan from Local Government to this BPR party better be added by its amount so that credit receiver coverage will be more many.