The objective of this research was to apply the flood vulnerability assessment to ungauged reservoirs for prioritizing and evaluating the reservoir rehabilitation according to climate change. The flood vulnerability index (FVI) can quantitatively compare the flood vulnerabilities of the analysis targets and can be used for the relative comparison of hydraulic structures to determine the reinforcement priority. In this study, we proposed a simple FVI that contained exposure and adaptive capacity of the hydraulic structure. We selected ten dam heightening reservoirs in Korea and constructed data for flood vulnerability assessment. The FVI was calculated before and after the dam heightening to analyze the priority and effect of reservoir rehabilitation under climate change. Flood vulnerability indices were estimated for four periods (1995s: 1981?2010, 2025s: 2011?2040, 2055s: 2041?2070, 2085s: 2071?2100) and before/after the dam heightening project. As a result, flood vulnerability indices decreased after the dam heightening project for all reservoirs, and the indices have increasing tendencies in the future. The indices developed in this study can be useful to determine the priority and to evaluate the effect of rehabilitation for hydraulic structures.