The obtained results of experimental studies on the influence of the physical and mechanical properties of an elastoplastic material (clods of soil and potato tubers) on the factors of its destruction when interacting with an absolutely solid body (separating working body) established that an increase in the density of a soil clod leads to an increase in the effort expended on dynamic destruction, regardless of the size fraction. Within one fractional group, the increase in force from the minimum value necessary for the destruction of the soil clod in the density range from 1300 to 1700 kg/m3 is on average 56?67 N. However, there is a tendency to increase the effort to destroy the soil clod with an increase in the size fraction, including identical density, by 7?8 N, which is 4?5% of the initial value of the destruction force of a given density. The greatest destruction of soil clods is provided at a moisture content of 22?24%, which should be explained by the formation of the physical ripeness of the leached chernozem. In addition, a decrease in soil moisture leads to a more intense adhesion of soil particles to each other and, consequently, to an increase in the force on the soil clod to destroy it.