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Tool for Measuring Productivity in Software Development Teams

Jhemeson Silva Mota    
Heloise Acco Tives and Edna Dias Canedo    


Despite efforts to define productivity, there is no consensus in the software industry regarding what the term productivity means and, instead of having only one metric or factor that describes productivity, it is defined by a set of aspects. Our objective is to develop a tool that supports the productivity measurement of software development teams according to the factors found in the literature. We divided these factors into four groups: People, Product, Organization, and Open Source Software Projects. We developed a web system containing the factors that influence productivity identified in this work, called Productive, to support software development teams in measuring their productivity. After developed the tool, we monitored its use over eight weeks with two small software development teams. From the results, we found that software development companies can use the system to support monitoring team productivity. The results also point to an improvement in productivity while using the system, and a survey applied to users demonstrates the users? positive perception regarding the results obtained. In future work, we will monitor the use of the tool and investigate the users? perceptions in other project contexts.

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