Deep space missions are recently gaining increasing interest from space agencies and industry, their maximum exponent being the establishment of a permanent station in cis-lunar orbit within this decade. To that end, autonomous rendezvous and docking in multi-body dynamical environments have been defined as crucial technologies to expand and maintain human space activities beyond near Earth orbit. Based on analytical and numerical formulations of the relative dynamics in the Circular Restricted Three Body Problem (CR3BP), a family of optimal, linear and nonlinear, continuous and impulsive, guidance and control techniques are developed for the design of end-to-end rendezvous trajectories between co-orbiting spacecraft in this multi-body dynamical environment. To this end, several modern control techniques are effectively designed and adapted to this problem, with particular emphasis on the design of low cost rendezvous manoeuvres. Finally, the designed hybrid rendezvous strategies, combining both discrete and continuous control techniques, are effectively tested and validated under several start-to-end deep space testbench mission scenarios, where their performance is compared and quantitatively assessed with a set of performance indices.