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Devising and introducing a procedure for measuring a dynamic stabilization error in weapon stabilizers

Olena Bezvesilna    
?leksii Petrenko    
Viacheslav Halytskyi    
Mukola Ilchenko    


This paper reports variants for checking the median error of the 2?36 weapon stabilizer under conditions of a standard path by means of video recording with a film camera followed by film processing and performing all operations in a manual mode. A procedure of measuring the median error of the SVU-500 weapon digital stabilizer has been given. To ensure the possibility of determining the errors of stabilization in each set of stabilizers, the enterprise-manufacturer has devised and implemented for the customer's main product, without using a standard path, a new procedure for measuring a dynamic stabilization error. This work involved methods of mathematical modeling, which has made it possible to determine the point of sending a sinusoidal signal to the control circuit of the stabilizer. The experimental confirmation of the results obtained during modeling involved the test of a stabilizer kit at the technological bench and at the actual training turret, which made it possible to refine the parameters of the sinusoidal signal. To conduct such tests, special algorithmic software was developed, which was installed, in addition to the main program at the time of testing, in the stabilizer control unit. Subsequent tests confirmed correctness of results obtained during mathematical modeling, which made it possible to introduce verification of one of the main parameters of stabilization of dynamic error to the acceptance tests of each stabilizer kit

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