Kusum L. Ailawadi, Jie Zhang, Aradhna Krishna, and Michael W. Kruger
Rajdeep Grewal, Murali Chandrashekaran, and Alka V. Citrin
J. Wesley Hutchinson, Joseph W. Alba, and Eric M. Eisenstein
Michael Trusov, Anand V. Bodapati, and Randolph E. Bucklin
Gülden Ülkümen, Amitav Chakravarti, and Vicki G. Morwitz
Shuba Srinivasan, Marc Vanhuele, and Koen Pauwels
Sören W. Scholz, Martin Meissner, and Reinhold Decker
Heungsun Hwang, Naresh K. Malhotra, Youngchan Kim, Marc A. Tomiuk, and Sungjin Hong
Minjung Koo and Ayelet Fishbach
Stephen M. Nowlis, Ravi Dhar, and Itamar Simonson
Alexander Chernev and David Gal
Kinshuk Jerath and Z. John Zhang
Michael Ahearne, Adam Rapp, Douglas E. Hughes, and Rupinder Jindal