Tablas de contenido
2019 (16)
2019 (16)
Vol 12 - 2 - Janua...
Vol 12 - 9 - May-1
Vol 12 - 5 - March...
Vol 12 - 14 - July...
Vol 12 - 10 - May-...
Vol 12 - 3 - Febru...
Vol 12 - 6 - March...
Vol 12 - 15 - Augu...
Vol 12 - 11 - June...
Vol 12 - 7 - April...
Vol 12 - 16 - Augu...
Vol 12 - 12 - June...
Vol 12 - 1 - Janua...
Vol 12 - 8 - April...
Vol 12 - 4 - Febru...
Vol 12 - 13 - July...
2018 (12)
2018 (12)
Vol 11 - 11 - Nove...
Vol 11 - 7 - July
Vol 11 - 3 - March
Vol 11 - 6 - June
Vol 11 - 2 - Febru...
Vol 11 - 9 - Septe...
Vol 11 - 10 - Octo...
Vol 11 - 5 - May
Vol 11 - 1 - Janua...
Vol 11 - 8 - Augus...
Vol 11 - 4 - April
Vol 11 - 12 - Dece...
2017 (12)
2017 (12)
Vol 10 - 9 - Septe...
Vol 10 - 5 - May
Vol 10 - 12 - Dece...
Vol 10 - 6 - June
Vol 10 - 2 - Febru...
Vol 10 - 1 - Janua...
Vol 10 - 7 - July
Vol 10 - 3 - March
Vol 10 - 10 - Octo...
Vol 10 - 8 - Augus...
Vol 10 - 4 - April
Vol 10 - 11 - Nove...
2016 (11)
2016 (11)
Vol 9 - 8 - August
Vol 9 - 3 - March
Vol 9 - 10 - Octob...
Vol 9 - 7 - July
Vol 9 - 2 - Februa...
Vol 9 - 1 - Januar...
Vol 9 - 5 - May
Vol 9 - 12 - Decem...
Vol 9 - 9 - Septem...
Vol 9 - 4 - April
Vol 9 - 11 - Novem...
2015 (8)
2015 (8)
Vol 8 - 7Pages6249...
Vol 8 - 3Pages1547...
Vol 8 - 8 - August
Vol 8 - 4Pages2295...
Vol 8 - 5Pages3292...
Vol 8 - 1Pages1-68...
Vol 8 - 6Pages4647...
Vol 8 - 2Pages684-...
2014 (4)
2014 (4)
Vol 7 - 11Pages682...
Vol 7 - 10Pages622...
Vol 7 - 9Pages5502...
Vol 7 - 12Pages781...
2013 (12)
2013 (12)
Vol 6 - 8Pages3637...
Vol 6 - 4Pages1802...
Vol 6 - 12Pages613...
Vol 6 - 9Pages4331...
Vol 6 - 5Pages2319...
Vol 6 - 1Pages1-56...
Vol 6 - 6Pages2726...
Vol 6 - 2Pages566-...
Vol 6 - 10Pages495...
Vol 6 - 7Pages3097...
Vol 6 - 3Pages1181...
Vol 6 - 11Pages559...
2012 (12)
2012 (12)
Vol 5 - 7Pages2071...
Vol 5 - 3Pages531-...
Vol 5 - 11Pages425...
Vol 5 - 6Pages1705...
Vol 5 - 2Pages181-...
Vol 5 - 10Pages372...
Vol 5 - 9Pages3167...
Vol 5 - 5Pages1292...
Vol 5 - 1Pages1-18...
Vol 5 - 8Pages2626...
Vol 5 - 4Pages862-...
Vol 5 - 12Pages489...
2011 (9)
2011 (9)
Vol 4 - 8Pages1112...
Vol 4 - 4Pages563-...
Vol 4 - 9Pages1258...
Vol 4 - 5Pages717-...
Vol 4 - 1Pages1-21...
Vol 4 - 6Pages845-...
Vol 4 - 2Pages215-...
Vol 4 - 7Pages1010...
Vol 4 - 3Pages368-...
30 artículos asociados
Volumen 12 Número 10 Parte May-2 Año 2019
The Role of Off-Grid Houses in the Energy Transition with a Case Study in the Netherlands
Roof Cutting Parameters Design for Gob-Side Entry in Deep Coal Mine: A Case Study
Development of Hardware-in-the-Loop-Simulation Testbed for Pitch Control System Performance Test
Analysis of Research Topics and Scientific Collaborations in Energy Saving Using Bibliometric Techniques and Community Detection
Public Access to Building Related Energy Data for Better Decision Making in Implementing Energy Efficiency Strategies: Legal Barriers and Technical Challenges
Thermodynamic Selection of the Optimal Working Fluid for Organic Rankine Cycles
An Energy Potential Estimation Methodology and Novel Prototype Design for Building-Integrated Wind Turbines
Fundamental Investigation of the Effects of Modified Starch, Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium, and Xanthan Gum on Hydrate Formation under Different Driving Forces
City-Level Features of Energy Footprints and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Sichuan Province of China
Energy Management Strategies for Hybrid Construction Machinery: Evolution, Classification, Comparison and Future Trends
Coupled Motion Characteristics of Offshore Wind Turbines during the Integrated Transportation Process
Volumetric Measurements of Methane-Coal Adsorption and Desorption Isotherms?Effects of Equations of State and Implication for Initial Gas Reserves
A Four-Winding Inductive Filtering Transformer to Enhance Power Quality in a High-Voltage Distribution Network Supplying Nonlinear Loads
Measured Performance of a Mixed-Use Commercial-Building Ground Source Heat Pump System in Sweden
A Vine-Copula Based Voltage State Assessment with Wind Power Integration
Energy Consumption and Trade Openness Nexus in Egypt: Asymmetry Analysis
Accurate Expressions of Mutual Inductance and Their Calculation of Archimedean Spiral Coils
Improving Microgrid Frequency Regulation Based on the Virtual Inertia Concept while Considering Communication System Delay
Effect of Actual Gas Turbine Operating Conditions on Mist/Steam Cooling Performance in a Ribbed Passage
Use of Buckwheat Straw to Produce Ethyl Alcohol Using Ionic Liquids
Unsteady Flow Numerical Simulations on Internal Energy Dissipation for a Low-Head Centrifugal Pump at Part-Load Operating Conditions
Co-Optimized Analysis and Design of Electric and Natural Gas Infrastructures
Mixing Characteristics of Binary Mixture with Biomass in a Gas-Solid Rectangular Fluidized Bed
A Robust Feedback Path Tracking Control Algorithm for an Indoor Carrier Robot Considering Energy Optimization
Research on Dynamic Evolution Simulation and Sustainability Evaluation Model of China?s Power Supply and Demand System
Research Insights and Knowledge Headways for Developing Remote, Off-Grid Microgrids in Developing Countries
Multi-Input Cuk-Derived Buck-Boost Voltage Source Inverter for Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrid Applications
Quantitative Evaluation of the ?Non-Enclosed? Microseismic Array: A Case Study in a Deeply Buried Twin-Tube Tunnel
Recognition and Classification of Incipient Cable Failures Based on Variational Mode Decomposition and a Convolutional Neural Network
A Study on the Effect of Closed-Loop Wind Farm Control on Power and Tower Load in Derating the TSO Command Condition