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20 artículos asociados
Volumen 145 Número 1 Parte 0 Año 2001
DISTRIBUTED RESOURCES - Fuels cells go where the wires end - In early November, the US Coast Guard R&D Center, Groton, Conn, awarded a (USD)100.000 contract to Fuel-Cell Energy Inc, Danbury, Conn. to construct a 3-kW Direct Fuel Cell power system that use
Pág. 10 - 12
NUCLEAR - Waterford-3 completes 34-day refueling outage
Pág. 13 - 13
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES - Fouling monitor helps TransAlta coal-fired plants
Pág. 14 - 15
ASSET MANAGEMENT - Southern Company helps develop repairable in-line valve
Pág. 16 - 16
ASSET MANAGEMENT - Consider one oil for two turbines - Combined-cycle plants no longer have to stock one lube oil for the steam turbine and a separate one for the gas turbine
Pág. 16 - 17
MARMADUKE! - Marmy's eyes see the core of the problem - If you think that real engineers don't get their hands dirty, this piece surely ain't for you
Pág. 18 - 21
SPECIAL REPORTS - Competition sparks new EPC methods -- And new corporate names - The engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) of a large-scale power project has always been tough. Lately, it's gotten even tougher, judging by the dramatic resh
Pág. 22 - 32
SPECIAL REPORTS - Markets grow for coal-combustion byproducts - Only a small percentage of coal-combustion byproducts are beneficially reused in the US -- A missed opportunity when compared to the nearly complete utilization of ash in western Europe
Pág. 33 - 44
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES - Project-management tools improve enterprise communications - Today's powerful software packages have a multitude of features and can be used for planning at a central location, storing data in a historian data base, and plot
Pág. 45 - 48
SHOW PREVIEW - Preview: EP2001 Conference & Exposition - The Electric Power 2001 Conference & Exhibition provides a valuable forum for plant owners and operating companies
Pág. 49 - 51
ASSET MANAGEMENT - Make safety performance part of "business as usual" - The level of confidence in corporate safety programs must increase to meet the challenging prospects of an industry in transition and the introduction of new technologies
Pág. 52 - 55
GAS TURBINE/COMBINED CYCLE - Shortcut methods for measuring HRSG performance - Plant operators can quickly get a feel for "actual" vs "as-designed" HRSG performance, simply by calculating a select few parameters
Pág. 56 - 59
SOLID FUELS - Holistic approach is needed for coal-handling safety - The risk of coal-dust fires and explosions, especially with Power River Basin coal, can be reduced through an integrated approach to coal handling
Pág. 60 - 65
NUCLEAR - The US nuclear industry enters a new phase - Within the last two years, the price tags on US nuclear powerplants have risen dramatically. Some believe that fierce competition for generating capacity will continue to push prices higher, while oth
Pág. 66 - 69
ASSET MANAGEMENT - Mobile powerplants travel the globe - To counter looming power shortages during this past summer, Commonwealth Edison, Chicago, Ill, rented five first-of-a-kind, traveling powerplants
Pág. 7 - 7
SOLID FUELS - Italian IGCC plant switches to syngas
Pág. 7 - 7
TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER - Latest products and services to help you do your job better
Pág. 70 - 70
ASSET MANAGEMENT - High-voltage generator nears startup in Sweden - For more than 100 years, the design of the electric generator has remained essentially the same. But all that may be about to change
Pág. 8 - 8
SOLID FUELS - LEBS technology moves forward
Pág. 8 - 8
RENEWABLES - Japan to build its first RDF plant
Pág. 8 - 9