Pablo J. Arauzo, Maciej P. Olszewski and Andrea Kruse
Simone Kruse, Thomas Tischer, Timo Wittig
The global platinum market has been in downturn and unstable for five consecutive years, and thus market participants are demanding effective quantitative risk management tools. Since platinum is so widely used and serves as an important investment vehic...
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Rodrigo Roso,Nelson Diehl Kruse,Caren Alessandra Müller,Tiele Stuker Fernandes,Eduardo José Ludwig,Pablo Reno da Silva Sangoi,Cassiano Vasconcelos dos Santos
Pág. 297 - 309
O azevém (Loliummultiflorum Lam.) é uma gramínea de clima subtropical-temperado queapresenta bom desenvolvimento em qualquer tipo de solo, sendo muito utilizadocomo pastagem visando suprir o vazio forrageiro durante o período de inverno noRS. No entanto,...
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Christoph Reichert, Stefan Dürschmid, Rudolf Kruse and Hermann Hinrichs
Gert Van Hoof, Annie Weisbrod and Bettina Kruse
Hilary G. Billman, Carter G. Kruse, Sophie St-Hilaire, Todd M. Koel, Jeffrey L. Arnold & Charles R. Peterson
Pág. 781 - 789
S. H. Chien, U. Singh, E. R. Austin and J. S. Kruse
Pág. 1574 - 1577
Xiaoya Cai, Laurie E. Trenholm, Jason Kruse, and Jerry B. Sartain
Pág. 1400 - 1403
Sarah E. Cathey, Jason K. Kruse, Thomas R. Sinclair, and Michael D. Dukes
Pág. 1550 - 1555
Tribuzio, Cindy A., Gordon H. Kruse, and Jeffrey T. Fujioka
Pág. 119