Luis Gómez, Itxiar Larrañaga, Ezio Mosciatti
Pág. Pág. 74 - 91
La calle Lira, desde Avda. del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins hasta Manuel Antonio Matta, destaca por su admirable adoquinado en granito entre soleras del mismo material, y la línea central de tranvía con las tapas de alcantarillado en el centro de la lín...
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Ana Silvia Pereira Santos,José Manuel Pereira Vieira
Pág. 50 - 68
No presente artigo, apresenta-se uma análise comparativa do enquadramento regulatório de reúso de água do Brasil e de Portugal, inserido nos seus cenários de gestão de saneamento ambiental e recursos hídricos. Verifica-se que os índices de atendimento em...
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Cai Wu, Yanwen Wang, Jiong Wang, Menno-Jan Kraak and Mingshu Wang
This study introduces a machine learning-based framework for mapping street patterns in urban morphology, offering an objective, scalable approach that transcends traditional methodologies. Focusing on six diverse cities, the research employed supervised...
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Chen Zhang, Ming Tang and Yehua Sheng
Sketch maps are an abstract and conceptual expression of humans? cognition of geographic space. Humans perceive geographical space at different spatial scales. However, few researchers have considered the spatial relationships of geographic elements in s...
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Haiyang Xu, Huaxing Lu and Shichen Liu
The Sky View Factor (SVF) stands as a critical metric for quantitatively assessing urban spatial morphology and its estimation method based on Street View Imagery (SVI) has gained significant attention in recent years. However, most existing Street View-...
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Jiawei Zhu, Bo Li, Hao Ouyang, Yuhan Wang and Ziyue Bai
Walking exercise is a prevalent physical activity in urban areas, with streetscapes playing a significant role in shaping preferences. Understanding this influence is essential for creating urban environments conducive to walking exercise and improving r...
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Rachid Belaroussi, Elie Issa, Leonardo Cameli, Claudio Lantieri and Sonia Adelé
Human impression plays a crucial role in effectively designing infrastructures that support active mobility such as walking and cycling. By involving users early in the design process, valuable insights can be gathered before physical environments are co...
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Pornrawee Tatit, Kiki Adhinugraha and David Taniar
Using spatial data in mobile applications has grown significantly, thereby empowering users to explore locations, navigate unfamiliar areas, find transportation routes, employ geomarketing strategies, and model environmental factors. Spatial databases ar...
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Hongguo Ren, Yujun Wang, Jing Zhang, Ziming Zheng and Qingqin Wang
As the quality of life and the spiritual and cultural well-being of the inhabitants progress, the current rural infrastructure has challenges in adequately addressing the physical and psychological requirements of individuals. This work presents a method...
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Xinyi Wang, Yixuan Xie, Linhui Xia, Jin He and Beiyu Lin
As Melbourne faces exponential population growth, the necessity for resilient urban planning strategies becomes critical. These strategies include mixed land use, density, diversity, and sustainable transportation through transit-oriented development (TO...
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