58   Artículos

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Nele Jurkenaite,Artiom Volkov     Pág. 42 - 56

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Nele Jurkenaite     Pág. 544 - 553

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Nele Jurkenaite    
The EU?s ambition to establish economy-wide climate neutrality by 2050 requires challenging transformations in many economic activities. This paper aims to investigate the nexus of structural changes and greenhouse gas emissions (GHGEs) in an important s... ver más
Revista: Agriculture    Formato: Electrónico

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Alessandra Caggiano, Giulio Mattera and Luigi Nele    
The drilling of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) materials is a key process in the aerospace industry, where ensuring high product quality is a critical issue. Low-quality of final products may be caused by the occurrence of drilling-induced defect... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Luigi Nele, Giulio Mattera and Mario Vozza    
Welding is one of the most complex industrial processes because it is challenging to model, control, and inspect. In particular, the quality inspection process is critical because it is a complex and time-consuming activity. This research aims to propose... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Marlene Susanne Lisa Scharfe-Scherf, Sebastian Wiese and Nele Russwinkel    
The development of highly automated driving requires dynamic approaches that anticipate the cognitive state of the driver. In this paper, a cognitive model is developed that simulates a spectrum of cognitive processing and the development of situation aw... ver más
Revista: Information    Formato: Electrónico

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Pithchai Pandian Sivakumar, Stijn Matthys, Nele De Belie and Elke Gruyaert    
Novel cementitious binder.
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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William Timóteo,Ilzver de Matos Oliveira    
Esta pesquisa discorre sobre a ausência de políticas públicas e como esse fator fere os direitos basilares do homem, trazendo foco para o evidente descaso do Poder Público com a população jovem. Conceitua direitos humanos e disserta sobre a sua importânc... ver más
Revista: Revista Brasileira de PolÍ­ticas Públicas    Formato: Electrónico

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Rafael Eduardo Chiodi,Samuel Mello Pinto,Alexandre Uezu    
A abordagem nexo água, energia e alimentos reconhece as interconexões entre os sistemas hídrico, energético e alimentar, e, para que a gestão integrada destes seja eficiente e sustentável, propõe que ocorra dentro de processos de governança. No Brasil, o... ver más
Revista: Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente    Formato: Electrónico

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Marlene Susanne Lisa Scharfe, Kathrin Zeeb and Nele Russwinkel    
In the development of highly automated driving systems (L3 and 4), much research has been done on the subject of driver takeover. Strong focus has been placed on the takeover quality. Previous research has shown that one of the main influencing factors i... ver más
Revista: Information    Formato: Electrónico

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