Nayra Yumi Tsutsumoto, João Victor Fazzan, José Luiz Pinheiro Melges, Cesar Fabiano Fioriti, Mauro Mitsuuchi Tashima, Jorge Luís Akasaki
Pág. e36989
The aim of this paper is to evaluate through bending tests the structural behavior of reinforced concrete beams additionally reinforced with bamboo splints coated with rubber latex. The bamboo splints are prepared from the stems of the Bambusa vulg...
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J. Akasaki, M. Moraes, C. Silva, C. Fioriti, M. Tashima
Pág. Page 175 - 182
Steam curing is a process used to accelerate cement hydration reactions with the purpose of enhancing the mechanical strength of concrete at early ages, since hydration reactions are temperature dependent. To evaluate the influence of temperature on the ...
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Eloir Trindade Vasques Vieira,Denilson de Oliveira Guilherme,Luis Carlos Vinhas Itavo,Lucelia Da Costa Tashima
Pág. 185 - 202
Segundo dados da Organização das Nações Unidas, a previsão futura é de que ocorra um crescimento populacional considerável, sendo cerca de 9 bilhões em 2050 e acima de 10 bilhões em 2100 (UNFPA, 2011). Desta forma são muitas as preocupações ao longo do t...
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José Fernando Moretti, Carlos Roberto Minussi, Jorge Luis Akasaki, Cesar Fabiano Fioriti, José Luis Pinheiro Melges, Mauro Mitsuuchi Tashima
Pág. 65 - 70
Currently, artificial neural networks are being widely used in various fields of science and engineering. Neural networks have the ability to learn through experience and existing examples, and then generate solutions and answers to new problems, involvi...
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