Pág. 175 - 186
Viral diseases and insect vectors from weeds -growing adjacent to fields of tomato, pepper, melon, watermelon and squash - were determined in theVth and Metropolitan regions of Chile. Two hundred and eleven weed samples showing virussymptoms were analyze...
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A. Soto, P. Estay, J. Apablaza
Pág. 153 - 157
The greenhouse whitefly has become an important pest on greenhouse tomatoes in Quillota, V Region, Chile. Various control strategies have been considered to keep the pest below economic injury levels, one of which is the use of the parasitoid Encarsia fo...
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A. Soto, A. Norero, J. Apablaza, P. Estay
Pág. 103 - 106
Lower temperature thresholds and accumulated day-degrees for development of E. formosa - an important parasitoid of T. vaporariorum ? were determined. The study was conducted from May1996 through January 1997, in growth chambers and in greenhouse. The de...
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M. Kogan A., P. Apablaza E.
Pág. 119 - 124
Control de malezas en el cultivo del tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill )
A. Soto G., J. Apablaza H., A. Norero S., P. Estay
Pág. 37 - 42
Requerimientos térmicos de Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemíptera: Aleyrodidae) en tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum)
R. Barrientos Z., J. Apablaza H., A. Norero S., P. Estay
Pág. 133 - 137
Temperatura base y constante térmica de desarrollo de la polilla del tomate, tuta absoluta (lepidoptera: gelechiidae)
G. Apablaza, P. Jorquera
Pág. 165 - 171
Reacciones de cultivares de pimentón (Capsicum annuum var. GROSSUM ) al virus y de la papa, cepa común (PVY°), en condiciones de campo e invernadero