F. Urra, J. Apablaza
Pág. 149 - 155
Dysaphis cynarae and Copitarsia decolora are key pests of artichokes with quarantine status. Their mortality when stored near 0 ºC, for different lengths of time, was evaluated here. Experiments for D. cynarae were carried out in Pomaire and for C. decol...
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F. Urra, J. Apablaza
Pág. 16 - 22
Copitarsia decolora is an important insect pest onnumerous field crops and vegetables and subject to quarantine in the USA. In this study the threshold temperature and the thermal constant for the development of this species was calculated. Data was obta...
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Pág. 175 - 186
Viral diseases and insect vectors from weeds -growing adjacent to fields of tomato, pepper, melon, watermelon and squash - were determined in theVth and Metropolitan regions of Chile. Two hundred and eleven weed samples showing virussymptoms were analyze...
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A. Soto, P. Estay, J. Apablaza
Pág. 153 - 157
The greenhouse whitefly has become an important pest on greenhouse tomatoes in Quillota, V Region, Chile. Various control strategies have been considered to keep the pest below economic injury levels, one of which is the use of the parasitoid Encarsia fo...
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A. Soto, A. Norero, J. Apablaza, P. Estay
Pág. 103 - 106
Lower temperature thresholds and accumulated day-degrees for development of E. formosa - an important parasitoid of T. vaporariorum ? were determined. The study was conducted from May1996 through January 1997, in growth chambers and in greenhouse. The de...
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A. Soto G., J. Apablaza H., A. Norero S., P. Estay
Pág. 37 - 42
Requerimientos térmicos de Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemíptera: Aleyrodidae) en tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum)
R. Barrientos Z., J. Apablaza H., A. Norero S., P. Estay
Pág. 133 - 137
Temperatura base y constante térmica de desarrollo de la polilla del tomate, tuta absoluta (lepidoptera: gelechiidae)
J. Apablaza, T. Stevenson
Pág. 115 - 121
Fluctuaciones poblacionales de áfidos y de otros artrópodos en el follaje de alfalfa cultivada en la Región Metropolitana
R. Guilleminot, J. Apablaza
Pág. 251 - 256
Insectos y arácnidos asociados a la frambuesa ( Rubus idaeus ) en la Región Metropolitana, Chile
J. Apablaza
Pág. 27 - 34
Incidencia de insectos y moluscos plagas en siete hortalizas cultivadas en las regiones V y Metropolitana, Chile