Jinbo Qie, Yugang Miao, Tao Han, Huiju Liu, Zhufeng Shao and Daofang Chang
Product oil tankers are essential transportation equipment for petroleum transfer. Due to petroleum products? intense penetration and solubility, the quality requirements for coating product oil tankers are high, and regular maintenance is needed. Curren...
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Guangdong Han, Jian Li, Yizong Chen, Shenghai Wang and Haiquan Chen
Ship cargo-hold cleaning is a low-efficiency and high-risk operation in marine industry, which is generally carried out manually, putting the workers in danger. To improve the efficiency and safety of ship cargo-hold cleaning, a C-DCR is proposed in this...
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Fatma Guesmi, Naoufel Azouz and Jamel Neji
This paper presents the design and mathematical model of an innovative smart crane, CHAYA-SC, based on the principle of a cable-driven parallel manipulator, as well as its stabilization. This crane is mounted on the airship hold and intended for handling...
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Rongbo Hu, Kepa Iturralde, Thomas Linner, Charlie Zhao, Wen Pan, Alessandro Pracucci and Thomas Bock
Single-task construction robots (STCRs) have become a popular research topic for decades. However, there is still a gap in the ubiquitous application of STCRs for onsite construction due to various reasons, such as cost concerns. Therefore, cost?benefit ...
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Einar Ueland, Thomas Sauder and Roger Skjetne
In real-time hybrid model testing, complex ocean structures are emulated by fusing numerical modelling with traditional hydrodynamic model testing. This is done by partitioning the ocean structure under consideration into a numerical and a physical subst...
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Phan Gia Luan and Nguyen Truong Thinh
Ferdaws Ennaiem, Abdelbadiâ Chaker, Med Amine Laribi, Juan Sandoval, Sami Bennour, Abdelfattah Mlika, Lotfi Romdhane and Saïd Zeghloul
This paper deals with the optimal design of a planar cable-driven parallel robot (CDPR), with three degrees of freedom, intended for assisting the patient?s affected upper limb along a prescribed movement. A Qualisys motion capture system was used to rec...
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Deng Lin, Giovanni Mottola, Marco Carricato and Xiaoling Jiang
Sling-type cable-suspended robots could be applied for gaming and entertainment purposes: the robot could be used, for instance, to throw a ball towards human players and catch it back. The advantage of cable robots is their large workspace, which can sp...
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Phan Gia Luan and Nguyen Truong Thinh
Cable-driven parallel manipulators (CDPMs) have been of great interest to researchers in recent years because they have many advantages compared to the traditional parallel robot. However, in many studies they lack the cable?s elasticity that leads to fl...
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Giovanni Boschetti, Riccardo Minto and Alberto Trevisani
Cable-driven parallel robots offer several benefits in terms of workspace size and design cost with respect to rigid-link manipulators. However, implementing an emergency procedure for these manipulators is not trivial, since stopping the actuators abrup...
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