Gaurav Parajuli, Shankar Neupane, Sandeep Kunwar, Ramesh Adhikari and Tri Dev Acharya
Flood is one of the most frequently occurring and devastating disasters in Nepal. Several locations in Nepal are at high risk of flood, which requires proper guidance on early warning and safe evacuation of people to emergency locations through optimal r...
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Ogbaje Andrew, Armando Apan, Dev Raj Paudyal and Kithsiri Perera
The accuracy of most SAR-based flood classification and segmentation derived from semi-automated algorithms is often limited due to complicated radar backscatter. However, deep learning techniques, now widely applied in image classifications, have demons...
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King-Cheng Tsai, Wei-Kuo Tseng, Chun-Lung Chen and Yi-Jia Sun
Traditional celestial navigation adopts the intercept method or Sumner line method in order to solve the fix problems of celestial sight reduction. While an estimated position is often needed in order to complete celestial positioning, these methods are ...
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Yongheng Zhang, Siyi Yao, Peng Wang, Hao Wu, Zhipeng Xu, Yongmei Wang and Youhua Zhang
The human?machine interaction of existing agricultural measurement and control platforms lacks user-friendliness and requires manual operation by trained professionals. The recent development of natural language processing technology may bring some inter...
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Yang Zhang, Yuhong Liu, Guangting Lei, Shengyu Liu and Peng Liang
Bridge management systems (BMSs) are widely used to assist an inspector in performing element-level bridge inspection. Retrieving and determining target elements to be inspected becomes an important factor in the efficiency of bridge inspection. This pap...
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Pavlina Fragkou and Leandros Maglaras
Open data portals contain valuable information for citizens and business. However, searching for information can prove to be tiresome even in portals tackling domains similar information. A typical case is the information residing in the European Commiss...
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Bujar Fetai, Dejan Grigillo and Anka Lisec
One of the main concerns of land administration in developed countries is to keep the cadastral system up to date. The goal of this research was to develop an approach to detect visible land boundaries and revise existing cadastral data using deep learni...
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Tianqi Qiu, Xiaojin Liang, Qingyun Du, Fu Ren, Pengjie Lu and Chao Wu
Emergency remote sensing mapping can provide support for decision making in disaster assessment or disaster relief, and therefore plays an important role in disaster response. Traditional emergency remote sensing mapping methods use decryption algorithms...
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Xuan Fang, Jincheng Li, Ying Zhu, Jianjun Cao, Jiaming Na, Sheng Jiang and Hu Ding
Terraces, which are typical artificial landforms found around world, are of great importance for agricultural production and soil and water conservation. However, due to the lack of maintenance, terrace damages often occur and affect the local flow proce...
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Bilal Koteich, Éric Saux and Wissame Laddada
Maps have long been seen as a single cartographic product for different uses, with the user having to adapt their interpretation to his or her own needs. On-demand mapping reverses this paradigm in that it is the map that adapts to the user?s needs and c...
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