Giacomo D?Angeli, Francesca Zara, Alessio Belloni, Francesco Maria D?Angeli, Michele Dello Spedale Venti, Daniela Messineo, Alessandro Corsi and Gian Luca Sfasciotti
The dental follicle (DF) is the tissue that surrounds the crown of the developing tooth. In X-ray, images it appears as a radiolucent area. The removal of an impacted mandibular third molar is a common procedure in oral surgery. The radiographic evidence...
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Muhammad Aslam Jarwar and Ilyoung Chong
Due to the convergence of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data, a healthcare platform accumulates data in a huge quantity from several heterogeneous sources. The adequate usage of this data may incre...
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Antonela Tommasel, Dr,, Juan Manuel Rodriguez, Dr., Daniela Godoy, Dr.
Pág. 81 - 100
With the widespread of modern technologies and social media networks, a new form of bullying occurring anytime and anywhere has emerged. This new phenomenon, known as cyberaggression or cyberbullying, refers to aggressive and intentional acts aiming at r...
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Ari Fatihatul Hidayah, Agus Wahyudin, Muhsin Muhsin
Pág. 112 - 119
Impulsive buying is a psychoemonic phenomenon that happened to many people's lives in urban areas, especially to teenagers. This is because teens are easily influenced by advertising, lacks frugal thinking, less realistic and impulsive. This study aims t...
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Noreen McDonald, Louis A. Merlin, Haoting Hu, Joshu Shih, Deborah Cohen, Kelly Evenson, Thomas McKenzie, Daniel Rodriguez
The proportion of teens and young adults with driver?s licenses has declined sharply in many industrialized countries including the United States. Explanations for this decline have ranged from the introduction of graduated driver licensing programs to t...
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Sheila Febriani Putri, Joko Widodo, S. Martono
Pág. 179 - 192
Perilaku konsumtif disebabkan oleh keinginan pemenuhan kebutuhan yang berlebih termasuk para remaja. Siswa SMA di usia remaja seharusnya mampu mengelola keuangan yang dimilikinya secara tepat dan rasional. Rendahnya literasi keuangan berdampak pada renda...
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Astrid Kurnia Sherlyanita,Nur Aini Rakhmawati
Pág. 17 - 22
Abstrak? Perkembangan fungsi dari internet membuat internet dapat diakses bagi semua kalangan. Akhir-akhir ini, beberapa penelitian membuktikan bahwa sebagian besar pengguna internet adalah kalangan remaja. Berkembangnya media sosial secara mendunia seca...
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Michele Fank,Clarete Trzcinski,Sirlei Fávero Cetolin
Pág. 251 - 262
Este artigo apresenta dados de pesquisa realizada no Poder Judiciário da Comarca de Mondaí/SC, com o objetivo de analisar nos processos judiciais de aplicação de medidas protetivas, a ocorrência de violação dos direitosfundamentais de crianças e adolesce...
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Scott Adams, McKinley L. Blackburn, Chad D. Cotti
Pág. 828 - 840
Katie Brown, Scott W. Campbell and Rich Ling