Edinson Cornejo-Saavedra, Luis Améstica-Rivas
Pág. 097
Nataly Guiñez,Edinson Cornejo Saavedra,Constanza Olguín,Paulina Ceballos
Pág. 45 - 54
The objective of this study is to present Bío-Bío University?s Business Science Faculty students? perceptions on their Marketing course using case study methodology. A survey was applied to 91 students which main results showed a positive perception on t...
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Edinson Cornejo Saavedra,Benito Umaña Hermosilla,Nataly Guiñez Cabrera,Daniela Muñoz Silva,Caterin Mardones Lagos
Pág. 33 - 44
The ability to manage personal finances has become increasingly important when assessing savings and bank loans alternatives. However, different studies have shown that young people have not received a good financial education. This study determined both...
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Nataly Guiñez Cabrera,Edinson Cornejo Saavedra
Pág. 73 - 84
Strong competitiveness in the wine industry are a matter of permanent concern for wineries, which react producing more sophisticated and higher quality products. Nevertheless, they set aside a relevant aspect such as the market segmentation. This explora...
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Edinson Cornejo Saavedra,Victor Villalobos Almarza
Pág. 53 - 72
This study objective was to determine the effect of 2014 Tax Reform Bill on the Chilean stock market, in the period comprised from its announcement to the approval by National Congress in September 2014. The Event Study Method was used to analyze the abn...
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Nataly Guiñez,Edinson Cornejo Saavedra,Constanza Olguín,Paulina Ceballos
Pág. 45 - 54
El objetivo de este estudio fue dar a conocer las percepciones de los alumnos acerca de la experiencia de estudiar con casos empresariales en la asignatura de Marketing, en dos carreras de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales (FACE) de la Universidad de...
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Edinson Cornejo Saavedra,Benito Umaña Hermosilla, Nataly Guiñez Cabrera, Daniela Muñoz Silva, Caterin Mardones Lagos
Pág. 33 - 44
La capacidad de gestión de las finanzas personales se ha vuelto cada vez más importante para evaluar alternativas de ahorro y de crédito. No obstante, diferentes estudios han mostrado que los jóvenes no han recibido una buena educación en temas financier...
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