5   Artículos

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Rogier Woltjer, Björn J. E. Johansson, Per-Anders Oskarsson, Peter Svenmarck and Barry Kirwan    
Aviation is a highly inter-connected system. This means that a problem in one area may cause effects in other countries or parts of the Air Transport System (ATS). Examples range from local air traffic disruptions to the 2010 volcanic ash crisis. Agility... ver más
Revista: Infrastructures    Formato: Electrónico

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Elias Willberg, Olle Järv, Tuomas Väisänen and Tuuli Toivonen    
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis resulted in unprecedented changes in the spatial mobility of people across societies due to the restrictions imposed. This also resulted in unexpected mobility and population dynamics that created a challeng... ver más
Revista: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information    Formato: Electrónico

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Christine Große, Pär M. Olausson and Bo Svensson    
This paper examines the role of regional airports in regional and municipal crisis preparedness based on evidence from a case study in Sweden. During the summer of 2018, Sweden experienced some of the most extensive wildfires in modern time. Aerial suppr... ver más
Revista: Infrastructures    Formato: Electrónico

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