Heru Susanto, Aida Sari and Fang-Yie Leu
Social media is now regarded as the most valuable source of data for trend analysis and innovative business process reengineering preferences. Data made accessible through social media can be utilized for a variety of purposes, such as by an entrepreneur...
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Purnaning Dhyah Guritno, Haryono Suyono, Sunarjo Sunarjo
Pág. 94 - 110
Social entrepreneurship is a potential alternative to address social problems but social business still needs to be strengthened to provide far-reaching impact. One strategy to flourish is benchmarking against successful social enterpreneurs because prev...
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Pág. 102 - 106
The address of this research is to analyze the effect of market orientation toward. the performance of Micro, Small and Medium entreprises in the field of Fish processing Products in Jambi City, either simultaniously or partially. The sample of this rese...
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Sudjatno Sudjatno,Rini Safitri
Pág. 87 - 94
This research has aim to determine the effect of entrepreneur orientation on performance of existing businesses in SMEs Batik Pacitan District and the government role as mediating variable. Questionnaire was used to collect data and this research called ...
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Kang-Sik Kim
Pág. 371 - 379
Internationalization provides SMEs with many strategic benefits. However, for many SMEs it is not easy to carry out internationalization successfully due to limited resources and capabilities. In order to accomplish an efficient and effective internation...
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Nurlaela Nurlaela, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti, Etty Soesilowati
Pág. 99 - 105
___________________________________________________________________ Sukses mengelola rumah makan tidaklah mudah terbukti banyak usaha rumah makan yang tidak mampu bertahan lama, untuk itu diperlukan jiwa kewirausahaan bagi pemilik rumah makan. Sikap dan ...
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E. W. Griffin-EL
AbstractThe paper explores the social networks of South African micro-entrepreneurs in order to understand the socially-embedded resources that micro-entrepreneurs apply towards their innovation process. The paper posits that the social capital embedded ...
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M. Pretorius,S. M. Millard,M. E. Kruger
AbstractSMME (small, medium and micro-enterprise) development has been identified by the South African government as a priority in creating jobs. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor reports low entrepreneurial activity and suggests entrepreneurial educat...
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