Happy Christin Natalia, Danni Gathot Harbowo, Rinaldi Ikhram
Pág. 47 - 57
The global significance of Krakatau Volcanic Complex and Way Kambas National Park is the best potential areas to be developed as part of a world heritage, particularly as UNESCO Global Geopark. Both of these objects are in the Lampung Province, Indonesia...
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Daniel Radityo, Alviyanda Alviyanda, Happy Christin Natalia, Ahmad Hamdani, Angga Ahya Huseina, Anjar Dwi Asterina Denhi, Rifqi Andi Naufal, Zayadah Zayadah
Pág. 110 - 115
Sukajaya Lempasing is one of the villages located in Teluk Pandan District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. Sukajaya Lempasing Village was chosen as a place for research because of its position on the east coast which is directly adjacent to Lampung...
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