Carmen Adams
Pág. Pág. 39 - 53
Si bien persiste la adoración por lo popular-tradicional, pintoresco y pastiche a la hora de construir el paisaje del turismo rural en España, se puede observar una naciente postura distinta. Un planteamiento innovador, moderno, que como tal se compromet...
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Daniel Domínguez
Pág. pp. 83 ? 1
El presente estudio se enfoca en la experiencia Chilena en hospitalesconcesionados, enfocando los esfuerzos en el caso del Hospital el Carmen deMaipú, centrándonos en la etapa de operatividad del mismo, esbozando laimportancia de generar estrategias que ...
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Carmen Calderón Patier
Pág. 19 - 37
Carmen Victoria Escolano Asensi
Pág. 211 - 214
José-Luis Molina, Santiago Zazo, Fernando Espejo, Carmen Patino-Alonso, Irene Blanco-Gutiérrez and Domingo Zarzo
Floods are probably the most hazardous global natural event as well as the main cause of human losses and economic damage. They are often hard to predict, but their consequences may be reduced by taking the right precautions. In this sense, hydraulic inf...
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Antoni Montañana, María Luisa Nolé and Carmen Llinares
In the current real estate landscape, there is a growing trend to focus on adding value to products to address the customer?s affective/emotional perspective, his/her perceptions of the ?Prestige? of properties being crucial for his/her final assessments...
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Carmen Santos and Susana Trindade Leitão
The Fabeae tribe comprises five legume genera, which include some of the most ancient and important crops, like peas, lentils, and faba beans. Biotic and environmental stresses are major threats to the stable and high productivity of Fabeae crops. The us...
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Mar Carreras-Sempere, Miriam Guivernau, Rafaela Caceres, Carmen Biel, Joan Noguerol and Marc Viñas
Struvite and ammonium nitrate (AN), as wastewater-recovered products, are possible alternatives as raw materials for nutrient solutions. However, their impact on the rhizosphere microbiota and N2O emissions is scarcely known. Therefore, the present resea...
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Roxana Djalali Farahani-Kofoet, Daniel Schneider and Carmen Feller
Repeated apple cultivation in the same area leads to apple replant disease (ARD), which can probably be reduced by the use of organic supplements and selected rootstock/variety combinations. Soils at two conventionally and one organically farmed site in ...
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