Anara Indrany Nanda Ayu Anisa, Novita Novita
Pág. 34 - 45
Data analytics merupakan teknologi yang dapat digunakan baik untuk pencegahan maupun pendeteksian kecurangan termasuk kecurangan dalam laporan keuangan dimana tindakan yang mengarah pada kecurangan yang terjadi cenderung kompleks sehingga tidak dapat did...
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Rizky Yanuar Christianta Tarigan, Wenny Anggresia Ginting, Yulia Theresia Tambunan
Pág. 1336 - 1347
Becoming a public company is one of the way for a company to survive of business competition. Especially mining companies that we know that not a little capital is needed in developing their business. Therefore, it is very important for mining comp...
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Hendrik Suhendri,Adrian Junaidar Handayanto,Tomas Aldi Kelana
Pág. 271 - 280
This study aims to examine the effect of independence and remote audit on audit quality during the covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 pandemic makes the auditors have difficulties inspect the audited company directly. Remote audit is a way to solve the difficul...
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Sherine Marcelline, Mahmuddin Syah Lubis
Pág. 53 - 62
The auditor has a duty to assist or provide information about the objectives required by each shareholder, and other shareholders. The functions and duties of auditors such as tax audits, audits and financial statement analysis, the opinion of a qualifie...
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Dewi Saptantinah PA,Aris Eddy Sarwono
Pág. p.89 - 96
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas hasil audit yang dimoderasi oleh time budget pressure. Faktor-faktor yang digunakan sebagai variabel independen adalah fee audit dan pengalaman audit, variabel dependenn...
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Yofhi Septian Panglipurningrum,T. Husain
Pág. p.80 - 88
Keterlambatan pelaporan audit menjadi persoalan penting bagi investor. Perusahaan-perusahaan yang melakukan Initial Public Offerings (IPO) di tahun 2019 memiliki tantangan tersendiri dalam kinerja perusahaannya apakah akan memperpanjang, tetap atau bahka...
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Fitri Andriani, Rindi Meilani, Chandra Evendi Pardede, Wenny Anggeresia Ginting
Pág. 117 - 126
This quantitative research aimed to explain and describe the impacts of audit tenure, KAP size and company size in industrial market in Indonesia in 2016-2018. The population included 154 companies, from which samples were randomly selected based on thes...
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Ade Trisyanto
Pág. p.266 - 278
Informasi keuangan yang sifatnya kuantitatif bagi pihak internal maupun eksternal dirangkum dalam output yang harus relevan serta dapat diandalkan. Auditor dalam melaksanakan tugas pemeriksaannya harus berpedoman pada standar audit yang telah ditetapkan ...
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R. Bharathesree, R. Saravanan, M. Jeyakumar, N. Murali
Pág. Page:97 - 102Abstrac
Mehmet Lütfi Arslan,Cevdet Kizil
Pág. 101 - 116
Intellectual capital is a critical concept to realize and reflect the real value of organizations. This study took advantage of Market Value (MV) / Book Value (BV) method and Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC) model to measure and co...
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