Romeo Victor Ionescu, Costinela Fortea, Monica Laura Zlati and Valentin Marian Antohi
Since we are living in a time of multiple crises and geopolitical unrest, it is important to look at how monetary aggregates affect the real economy. This will help us figure out how uncertainty affects the economy and come up with more stable financial ...
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Pág. 1 - 42
We review market participants' actions and the EU afterthe introduction of the euro and during the crises period and Brexit process. The crucial factor is the feedback effect in the reactions of the market participants and the EU. The euro was introduced...
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Pág. 261 - 283
JEL. C58, D81, G01, G02, H77.
Paul R. Masson
Pág. 11 - 32
La recente crisi dell?eurozona, insieme all?annunciata riforma del Il susseguirsi di crisi nella zona euro rende forse necessaria una riconsiderazione dei progetti di unione monetaria in Africa. Questo lavoro sostiene che l?esperienza dell?Unione europea...
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Mahfuzul Haque and Hannarong Shamsub
The results of the single-equation cointegration tests indicate that patterns of cointegration in the two main and four sub-periods are not homogeneous. Two key findings emerge from the study. First, fewer stock markets cointegrated with S&P 500 duri...
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Gheorghe HURDUZEU,Maria-Isadora LAZAR
Pág. 301
The economic crisis, followed by the sovereign debt crisis, resulted in high unemployment, unsustainable public finances and deepening disparities between Euro Area member states, and underlined the necessity of strengthening economic coordination. In or...
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Verônica de Fátima Santana,Leandro Manzoli Trovati
Pág. 38 - 53
Considerando que a irracionalidade dos agentes no mercado se acentua em crises financeiras, esse artigo objetivou verificar a existência do Efeito Segunda-Feira em períodos de crise e de estabilidade no Brasil, através da análise do Ibovespa. Para tanto,...
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Horst Dieter Moller,Tales Vital
O artigo tenta identificar impactos das crises internacionais recentes sobre o comercio internacional brasileiro, usando os impactos da crise de 2008/09 para identificar impactos possíveis da crise na área de euro, que começou na primavera de 2010 e pode...
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Silvia Merler,Jean Pisani-Ferry
Pág. 23
The single currency was expected to make national balance of payments irrelevant for euro-area members. From 2010 onwards, however, governments, but also banks and non-financial companies in several euro-area countries have had difficulty getting access ...
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