25   Artículos

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Pablo Brusola, Sergio Garcia-Nieto, Jose Vicente Salcedo, Miguel Martinez and Robert H. Bishop    
This paper presents a mathematical modeling approach utilizing a fuzzy modeling framework for fixed-wing aircraft systems with the goal of creating a highly desirable mathematical representation for model-based control design applications. The starting p... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Umberto Saetti, Jonathan Rogers, Mushfiqul Alam and Michael Jump    
A novel trajectory generation and control architecture for fully autonomous autorotative flare that combines rapid path generation with model-based control is proposed. The trajectory generation component uses optical Tau theory to compute flare trajecto... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Bin Shen, Lingfei Xiao and Zhifeng Ye    
In order to solve the problem of full flight envelope control for aircraft engines, the design of a linear parameter-varying (LPV) controller is described in this paper. First, according to the nonlinear aerodynamic model of the aircraft engine, the LPV ... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Chang-ho Ji, Chongsup Kim and Byoung Soo Kim    
Highly maneuverable fighter aircraft are equipped with various weapons including a gun firing system for successful air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. In the gun firing system, the muzzle is usually positioned at an offset from the centerline of the ... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Seongpil Cho, Hyungwon Shim and Young-Shik Kim    
The conventional proportional derivative (PD) control algorithm with appropriate gain scheduling is generally applied to a dynamic positioning (DP) system. However, finding appropriate gains through gain scheduling makes the DP system more complicated. A... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Carlos Serrano, Jesus-Enrique Sierra-Garcia and Matilde Santos    
Floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) are systems with complex and highly nonlinear dynamics; they are subjected to heavy loads, making control with classical strategies a challenge. In addition, they experience vibrations due to wind and waves. Furthe... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Manuel Lara, Juan Garrido, Mario L. Ruz and Francisco Vázquez    
This paper deals with the control problems of a wind turbine working in its nominal zone. In this region, the wind turbine speed is controlled by means of the pitch angle, which keeps the nominal power constant against wind fluctuations. The non-uniform ... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Useok Jung, Moon-Gyeang Cho, Ji-Won Woo and Chang-Joo Kim    
This paper treats a robust adaptive trajectory-tracking control design for a rotorcraft using a high-fidelity math model subject to model uncertainties. In order to control the nonlinear rotorcraft model which shows strong inter-axis coupling and high no... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Muhammad Yousaf Bhatti, Sang-Gil Lee and Jae-Hung Han    
This paper proposes an approach to analyze the dynamic stability and develop trajectory-tracking controllers for flapping-wing micro air vehicle (FWMAV). A multibody dynamics simulation framework coupled with a modified quasi-steady aerodynamic model was... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Aparna Venkataraman     Pág. 90 - 105
This proposed work proposes the design and real-time implementation of an adaptive fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller for adaptive gain scheduling that can be configured for any complex industrial nonline... ver más
Revista: Advances in Technology Innovation    Formato: Electrónico

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