Camilo Antonio Cruz Gambardella
Pág. Pág. 1
En el Chile del siglo XXI, la planificación del territorio y los instrumentos que norman el desarrollo de nuestras ciudades se encuentran en manos de un modelo económico cuyos ideales de eficiencia muchas veces se miden en base a la rentabilidad directa,...
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Freddy Richard Apaza, Víctoriano Fernández Vázquez, Santiago Expósito Paje, Federico Gulisano, Valerio Gagliardi, Leticia Saiz Rodríguez and Juan Gallego Medina
In the last decade, various asphalt paving materials have undergone investigation for sound attenuation purposes. This research aims to delve into the innovative design of sustainable road pavements by examining sound absorption in rubber-modified asphal...
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Marc Terradas-Fernández, Miguel Valverde-Urrea, Federico López-Moya and Yolanda Fernández-Torquemada
We first report the presence of a species of the genus Batophora in the Iberian Peninsula, in the Mar Menor lagoon (Murcia, SE Spain). We detected this macroalga in November 2021. However, according to some observations, it could have been present in the...
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Federico Luis del Blanco-García, Miguel Carlos Cabo-Fernández, Ismael García-Ríos, Rafael Martin-Talaverano
Pág. e475
José Ramón Aira, Miguel Carlos Cabo-Fernández, Federico Luis del Blanco-García, Laura Gonzalo-Calderón
Pág. e430
Jorge Quezada,Edilia Jaque,Nicole Catalán,Arturo Belmonte,Alfonso Fernández,Federico Isla
Pág. 295 - 315
The Tirúa-Mocha Island area (38.2°-38.4° S) in southern Chile has been affected by two megaearthquakes in only 50 years: the 1960 Mw=9.5 Valdivia earthquake and 2010 Mw=8.8 Maule earthquake. We studied in the field the vertical ground movements occurred ...
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Ana Belén Jódar-Pérez, Marc Terradas-Fernández, Federico López-Moya, Leticia Asensio-Berbegal and Luis Vicente López-Llorca
Cystoseira sensu lato (sl) are three genera widely recognized as bioindicators for their restricted habitat in a sub-coastal zone with low tolerance to pollution. Their ecological, morphological and taxonomic features are still little known due to their ...
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Álvaro Alonso, Federico Fernández, Lourdes Marco and Joaquín Salvachúa
access control is a key element when guaranteeing the security of online services. However, devices that make the Internet of Things have some special requirements that foster new approaches to access control mechanisms. Their low computing capabilities ...
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Santiago Buraschi, Federico Ciribeni, Nicolás Dvoskin, Julián Fanzini, Mariana Fernández Massi, Gabriel Olmedo Sosa, Valentina Viego
Pág. 155 - 164
Intervención sobre la formación de economistas
Enrique Lazcorreta, Federico Botella, Antonio Fernández-Caballero
Pág. 1422 - 1429