Álef Luan de Souza Pereira, Cristina Celia Silveira Brandão, Yovanka Pérez Ginoris and Carla Patrícia Pereira Alves
Monitoring the removal of Cryptosporidium oocysts in water treatment plants is a challenge, particularly in developing countries, and the use of surrogates has proven necessary. Two surrogates already investigated and recognized by the scientific communi...
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Pablo Undurraga,Juan Hirzel,Jose Celis,Carla Perez,Marco A. Sandoval
Pág. 147 - 157
The use of wood residues to produce energy and steam in the pulp and paper industry generates ash waste and sewage sludge that contain nutrients for plants as a potential fertilizer. The objective of this study was to evaluate the possible toxi...
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Leonel Pérez Bustamante, Carla Valenzuela Campos
Pág. 5 - 19
La investigación tuvo como objetivo estudiar la evolución urbana y el patrimonio arquitectónico de la ciudad de Lebu. Los objetivos específicos fueron 1) indagar en las distintas etapas o períodos urbanos que tuvo la ciudad, y, 2) estudiar un período cla...
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