Kiomi Matsumoto-Royo, Maria Soledad Ramírez-Montoya and Paulette Conget
Education 4.0 prepares new generations to develop the skills required to perform in a technological, dynamic, and unpredictable world. The main barrier to implementing Education 4.0 in schools is that teachers have not been trained for it. Given the adva...
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Kwee Teck See,Bava Harji Madhubala,Ah Choo Koo
Pág. pp. 20 - 36
The use of mobile devices for language learning, under the Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) has been found to motivate children to read digital print. However, parents need to be convinced of the benefits of this new technology-assisted learning ...
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Sudjatno Sudjatno,Rini Safitri
Pág. 87 - 94
This research has aim to determine the effect of entrepreneur orientation on performance of existing businesses in SMEs Batik Pacitan District and the government role as mediating variable. Questionnaire was used to collect data and this research called ...
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Syed Mustafa Ali, Rachel Powers, Jeffrey Beorse, Arif Noor, Farah Naureen, Naveed Anjum, Muhammad Ishaq, Javariya Aamir and Richard Anderson
The present grievous tuberculosis situation can be improved by efficient case management and timely follow-up evaluations. With the advent of digital technology, this can be achieved through quick summarization of the patient-centric data. The aim of our...
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Intiyas Utami,Sutarto Wijono
Pág. 417 - 426
Comprehensive assessment potentially leads to halo effect that will affect accuracy of auditors decision-making process. Biased initial audit decision will potentially influence final audit decision. It is there-fore necessary to mitigate halo effect tha...
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Mohamed MAHJOUBI,Ezzeddine ABAOUB
Pág. 377 - 389
This research is a feedback to the call from Richardson et al. (2010) for more structure in researchers? forecasting frameworks. The purpose is to study the ability of three technical earnings forecasting methods (smoothing, random walk and cross-section...
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