Valeriy Ivanov and Maxim Tereshonok
The OSI model used to be a common network model for years. In the case of ad hoc networks with dynamic topology and difficult radio communications conditions, gradual departure is happening from the classical kind of OSI network model with a clear deline...
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Yuan-Hang Zhang, Xiao-Jie Wang, Xu-Zhen Zhang, Maoukouf Saad and Rui-Jie Zhao
The deep sea harbors abundant mineral, oil, and gas resources, making it highly valuable for commercial development, including the extraction of minerals. Due to the relatively large particle size of these minerals, how they interact with fluids is signi...
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Haitong Wang, Yunxia Guo, Yuan Kong and Yong Fang
Mesoscale eddies are a common occurrence in the Kuroshio Extension (KE) that have a major impact on the levels of salinity and heat transport in the Northwest Pacific, the strength of the Kuroshio jet, and the fluctuations of the Kuroshio?s trajectory. I...
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Matteo Dellacasagrande, Edward Canepa, Andrea Cattanei and Mehrdad Moradi
The present work reports an experimental study of the leakage flow in a low-speed fan ring. Existing 2D Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements taken in a meridional plane in front of the rotor gap have been further processed and analyzed by means ...
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Hong Wei, Wen Dai, Bo Wang, Hui Zhu, Fei Zhao, Haoyang Jiao and Penghui Li
The sediment transport process in watersheds is an important research component of geomorphology and surface dynamics. Previous work has inferred the spatial distribution of the sediment transport rate (STR) by the flow direction algorithm and measured t...
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Giuseppe Palaia, Karim Abu Salem and Alessandro A. Quarta
The continuously expanding transport aviation sector has a significant impact on climate change, and measures must be taken to limit its environmental impact. The study of advanced airframes, which may increase the lift-to-drag ratio and structural effic...
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Haiping Si, Yunpeng Wang, Wenrui Zhao, Ming Wang, Jiazhen Song, Li Wan, Zhengdao Song, Yujie Li, Bacao Fernando and Changxia Sun
Apples are ranked third, after bananas and oranges, in global fruit production. Fresh apples are more likely to be appreciated by consumers during the marketing process. However, apples inevitably suffer mechanical damage during transport, which can affe...
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Rafik Absi and Hitoshi Tanaka
Turbulence related to flow oscillations near the seabed, in the wave bottom boundary layer (WBBL), is the phenomenon responsible for the suspension and transport of sediments. The vertical distribution of turbulent eddy viscosity within the WBBL is a key...
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Ruiwei Liu, Siqi Hao, Yaping Zhang, Chonghang Xu, Wenjing Li and Yunrui Mo
Generally, air track planning is conducted in real time and takes modified track distance minimization as objective. Next-generation air transport systems provide aircrafts with more flexibility in track planning and more responsibilities in self-separat...
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Philip H. Stauffer, Brent D. Newman, Kay H. Birdsell, Marvin O. Gard, Jeffrey M. Heikoop, Emily C. Kluk and Terry A. Miller
Vadose zone transport of tritium and nitrate can be important considerations at radioactive waste sites, landfills, or areas with industrial impacts. These contaminants are of particular concern because they typically have a relatively higher mobility in...
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