Alina Delgado Bohorquez
Pág. 100 - 127
La recuperación de los centros urbanos es una tarea a la que se han abocado los gobiernos de países de América Latina desde hace algunos años y que sigue a la tendencia implantada desde Europa y Estados Unidos. Los mayores costos del desarrollo periurban...
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Raquel Ibarra, Darío Bolaños-Guerrón and Luis Cumbal-Flores
This study evaluates the pollution of the Machángara River basin in Ecuador. For the assessment, water samples were pumped from the river for 1 to 4 h, with a representative water sample of 4 L collected. In the site and laboratory, the physicochemical p...
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Juan Carlos Martínez Serra and Enrique Fernández-Vivancos González
Historical centers are structural elements in contemporary cities which preserve identity and collective memory. Despite being lubricants of social cohesion, intense processes of urban growth, fragmentation, and degradation put these city centers at grea...
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Verónica Gabriela Vaca-Proaño, Cyntia Paulina López-Rueda, Néstor Andrés Llorca-Vega, Enrique Ferreras-Cid
Pág. 96 - 109
Diego Vinicio Salgado Poveda
Pág. 128 - 146
De vuelta al centro es un proyecto para identificar, medir y representar la actividad económica en el Centro Histórico de Quito (CHQ) en un escenario postpandemia y diagramar estrategias para la reactivación económica desde las potencialidades y caracter...
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Gabriela Mejía Gómez,Marco Cedeño Guerra,Ramiro Salvador Erazo
Pág. 96 - 115
El acelerado crecimiento del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito (DMQ), se ha visto forzada a explorar nuevas formas urbanas de asentamiento, expandiéndose fuera del casco central y olvidándose de la riqueza de la vida urbana en las ciudades. Esta constante ...
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C. Erik Vergel-Tovar, Daniel A. Rodriguez
Pág. 425 - 462
Despite the worldwide popularity of bus rapid transit (BRT), empirical evidence of its effects on land uses and development remains limited. This paper examines BRT?s impacts on land use and development in Bogotá and Quito, by using a parcel-level differ...
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Daniela Ortíz Guachamín,Ricardo Tendero Caballero
Pág. 29 - 40
The ?Hacienda Santa Isabel?, built in 1816, is located in the parish of San Miguel of Nono, to the north of the city of Quito, Ecuador. Nono is comprised of 20 farms dedicated to agriculture and cattle, which gives financial support to the parish; founde...
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Rasa Zalakeviciute, Yves Rybarczyk, Katiuska Alexandrino, Santiago Bonilla-Bedoya, Danilo Mejia, Marco Bastidas and Valeria Diaz
Political and economic protests build-up due to the financial uncertainty and inequality spreading throughout the world. In 2019, Latin America took the main stage in a wave of protests. While the social side of protests is widely explored, the focus of ...
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Valeria Lupiano, Paolo Catelan, Claudia R. Calidonna, Francesco Chidichimo, Gino M. Crisci, Valeria Rago, Salvatore Straface and Salvatore Di Gregorio
LLUNPIY (lahar modeling by local rules based on an underlying pick of yoked processes, from the Quechua word ?llunp?iy?, meaning flood) is a cellular automata (CA) model that simulates primary and secondary lahars, here applied to replicate those that oc...
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