Dragana Toma?evic, Dragana Ga?evic, Marija Vranje?
Pág. 1 - 12
Abstract: Research question: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the factors that influence consumers' intentions when buying foreign brands, and then the purchase itself. Motivation: The business environment is experiencing an extensive change and i...
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Ronal Aprianto,Muhartini Salim,Sardiyo Sardiyo
Pág. 7 - 11
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of religious belief on the online buying intention of Muslim clothing in Indonesia. The data in this study were obtained from questionnaires distributed to 762 respondents. This study uses quantitat...
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Muhammad Bilal, Zeng Jianqiu, Suad Dukhaykh, Mingyue Fan and Ale? Trunk
Drawing on social identity theory, this study aims to examine the impact of antecedents of eWOM on the online purchase intention (OPI) of fashion-related products. In addition, social media usage moderates the relationship between eWOM and OPI. A structu...
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Jessica Müller,Juan Bernardo Amezcua,Sheyla Müller
Pág. 15 - 30
Green consumer buying behavior has recently increased. According to Kantar World Panel Mexico in 2012, only 16% of Mexicans carried out some ecological action and, in 2019, 7 of 10 Mexicans are willing to buy ecological products. In order to assess the m...
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Melitina Tecoalu, Kelvin Yonathan, Hery Winoto Tj
Pág. 75 - 80
Technological developments support an increase in online buying and selling activities in marketplaces that have turned conventional transactions into digital ones. The quality of services and promotions offered have also turned digital. The purpose of t...
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Berlintina Permatasari,(Universitas Teknokrat IndonesiaIndonesia)Jaelani Jaelani,(Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia)
Pág. 101 - 112
This reserach gives special attention to the value that drives users to engage in trading activities through e-commerce. The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of perceived value on user buying interest, the effect of purchase intention on t...
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Vina Endah Susanti
Pág. 13 - 21
This study aims to examine the effect of trust, brand image, and security on ticket buying interest on the Traveloka site (a case study of UST Yogyakarta students). The population in this study used students of the economics faculty majoring in accountin...
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Phuong Viet Le-Hoang
Pág. 1050 - 1069
Ali Abou Ali,Alaa Abbass,Nihal Farid
Pág. 63 - 73
This paper inspects the relationship between purchase intention in social media context and relevant factors namely: trust, perceived risk, online behavioral advertising, and social commerce constructs. Using judgmental sampling technique, 384 questionna...
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Muhamad Alvi Irpansyah, Asep M Ramdan, R. Deni Muhammad Danial
Pág. 248=255
One of the strategy that can be use in increasing consumer buying interest is by increasing the attractiveness of advertisements on Instagram, one of them is the endorsement strategy. The study aims to determine about the selebgram credibility and power ...
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