Leonardo Flach, Luísa Karam de Mattos, Anderson Renan Will, Lucas Facciuto Roschel
Pág. 111 - 128
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo demostrar el grado de eficiencia alcanzado por los estados brasileños en la asignación de recursos públicos para la educación. En el método de investigación, nosotros utilizamos análisis estadísticos multivariados,&n...
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Gabriel Victorio Montes Rojas
Pág. 145 - 189
Este trabajo implementa modelos econométricos de cuantiles multivariados para evaluar el pass-through del tipo de cambio a precios y producto. El nuevo análisis revela heterogeneidad en las respuestas ante un shock cambiario. Primero, los efectos de...
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Giampaolo Orlandoni Merli
Pág. 2
El bienestar de los pueblos depende en gran parte de las políticas públicas que los gobiernos puedan implementar, con el objeto de generar condiciones propicias para alcanzar el verdadero desarrollo socioeconómico, reduciendo las desigualdades que inelud...
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V. Felipe Laurie, Evelyn Villagra, Jaime Tapia, Jorge E. S. Sarkis, Marcos A. Hortellani
Pág. 77 - 85
A set of 75 wine samples from seven of the major wine producing regions in Chile were analyzed with flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) to determine their content of major metallic elements (K, Mg, Ca, Na, Fe and Zn). The results obtained were ...
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Delfina de J. Pérez, Andrés González, Jaime Sahagún, Luis M. Vázquez, Antonio Rivera, Omar Franco, Aurelio Domínguez
Pág. 391 - 400
The evaluation and selection of potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivars for commercial production in the high valleys of Mexico are important for plant breeding, seed production, and the generation of technology. In this work, ten potato cultivars from fi v...
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Freddy Mora, Alexandra I. Santos, Carlos A. Scapim
Pág. 105 - 112
Statistical procedures for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been extensively studied because they are the essential for improving the accuracy of genetic analyses. The objective of the present study was to examine QTL using multivariate methods...
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E. Vinent, Odelín Fajardo
Pág. 115 - 122
The correlations of the following variables were determined for eight cultivars of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) obtained in Cuba: feather and raw cotton yields, boll weight, plant height and plant perimeter and the number of bolls per plant. Feather and r...
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C. San Martín, M. Subiabre, C. Ramírez
Pág. 33 - 40
Salt marshes are brackish swamps formed in the estuaries of the rivers. The flora and vegetation of three marshes located at Puerto Saavedra (Cautín province, 38º 46' S and 73º 24' W), Mehuín (Valdivia province, 39º 26' S and 73º 12' W), and Quillaipe (L...
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C. San Martín, C. Ramírez, H. Rubilar
Pág. 171 - 179
The spatial and temporary position of the swampy Loto-Cyperetum eragrostidae and Caricetum ripariae and prairie Juncetum procerii and Centello-Anthoxanthetum utriculatae plant associations, in the degradation of the swampy Forest of Temo-Pitra (Blepharoc...
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