Widyo Ari Utomo,Ernes Cahyo Nugroho,Christian Bimantara Nakula Alphadeo,Sidik Purnomo
Pág. HAL. 133 - 142
PT. Rejeki Perdana Makmur merupakan salah satu bengkel mobil yang sedang berkembang di surakarta. Menejemen karyawan yang dimiliki PT. Rejeki Perdana Makmur masih dilakukan dengan cara mengisi formulir karyawan lalu menatanya di rak dokumen yang dinilai ...
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Isadora Nugroho,Haryanto Haryanto,Ambar Saputri
Pág. HAL. 122 - 132
Smartphone atau yang biasa dikenal dengan Ponsel merupakan salah satu wujud dari perkembangan teknologi yang dapat mempersempit ruang maupun waktu. Fungsi ponsel sekarang tidak hanya menjadi alat komunikasi saja akan tetapi sudah menjadi sarana hiburan d...
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Miguel José Amed Salazar, Ydalba Josefina Terán Andrade, Douglas Paredes Marquina
Pág. 4 - 19
Tradicionalmente, las personas con alguna discapacidad, incluyendo la visual, han sido muy poco incluidas en el aprovechamiento del gran abanico de ventajas que ofrece la tecnología, como las telecomunicaciones. En Venezuela, esa realidad no es diferente...
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Prayoga Umbulsari,Hartati Dyah W.
Smartphone is chosen as a tool to implement information system of solo culture event due to observation in Solo city that shows that smartphone is owned by all people good from among children up to parents. Information Systems Solo Based Android Culture ...
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1Ibnu Nur Hasan,Kunto Hamijoyo
Indie music is an independent music and abbreviated, usually called with indie music. Indie music is music produced independently. The large number of indie bands in Indonesia encouraged the establishment of a wide range of event organizer company, recor...
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Kalis Wahyu Herdianto,Ernes Cahyo Nugroho
The need for information is very high, resulting in the presentation of informationrequired very quick and precise. Internet is a place for people to obtain the desired information. Rapid development of the Internet, it is used the smartphone manufacture...
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Desi Susilowati,Paryanta -
Jetis is a village that need information systems population administration that can perform data processing related to the process of providing information about the Jetis village, demographic information, registration of population data, family data, da...
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Ary Setyadi
UD. Sony Permata is a company engaged in the precious stone industry. As one of the businesses that intend to provide the needs of the community in the form of accessories and decoration .For the current system is still using manual and not computerized....
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Dwiki Rian Pangestu,Ida Widaningrum,Arin Yuli Astuti
Pág. 172 - 185
Abstrak?Tingkat kebutuhan warga di bidang properti terus bertambah bersamaan dengan perkembangan jumlah penduduk. Hal tersebut karena bertambahnya jumlah populasi, dan tempat tinggal merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok yang harus dipenuhi. Sebuah rumah,...
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