Lorenzo De Simone, Dorian Navarro, Pietro Gennari, Anssi Pekkarinen and Javier de Lamo
SDG indicators are instrumental for the monitoring of countries? progress towards sustainability goals as set out by the UN Agenda 2030. Earth observation data can facilitate such monitoring and reporting processes, thanks to their intrinsic characterist...
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Thomas Hoerber,Gabriel Weber,Ignazio Cabras
Pág. 25 - 39
This paper explores and examines issues and challenges related to sustainability, analysing the concept as a possible new ideology at a local level and worldwide. More specifically, the paper assesses the influence of sustainability in Europe, where the ...
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Oluwamayowa O. Iredele,Tankiso Moloi
AbstractOrientation: The emergence and adoption of integrated reporting (IR) opens up a new agenda for improving the level of environmental disclosures, especially for listed companies. This study explores the environmental information disclosed by minin...
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In the current context of unsustainability that we inhabit, education is considered to be a necessary pillar for social transformation towards sustainable development. The main goal of this research is to analyze the implementation of educational practic...
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Verónica Ribeiro,Sónia Monteiro,Ana Moura
Pág. 185 - 209
O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar as práticas e nível de divulgação on-line de informação sobre responsabilidade social nos municípios portugueses. Procedeu-se à análise do conteúdo dos websites de 60 municípios portugueses que constituem a am...
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Daniel Rubens Cenci
Pág. 23 - 49
O presente trabalho apresenta um apanhado das ideias políticas e ambientais no período que antecede a Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, realizada em 1992 no Rio de Janeiro, bem como das prioridades e encaminhamentos dad...
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Alison Blay-Palmer, Guido Santini, Marielle Dubbeling, Henk Renting, Makiko Taguchi and Thierry Giordano
This paper offers a critical assessment of the value and utility of the evolving City Region Food Systems (CRFS) approach to improve our insights into flows of resources?food, waste, people, and knowledge?from rural to peri-urban to urban and back again,...
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Renata Braz Gonçalves,Aurora Cuevas -Cerveró
Apresenta resultados de investigação sobre o desenvolvimento de programas de formação em competências informacionais nas universidades espanholas. Foram adotados como técnica de coleta de dados a análise documental de páginas de bibliotecas de 75 univers...
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Rocsana Tonis (Bucea-Manea)
Pág. 41 - 50
Sustainable development might be achieved by entrepreneurial enterprises with social responsibility, by innovative SMEs leaded by innopreneurs that not only respect the 21 Agenda advices, but innovate in technologies that reduce the impact of ecological ...
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Katia Fabiane Rodrigues,Ricardo Rippel
Pág. 73 - 88
As discussões sobre o desenvolvimento econômico, as correntes teóricas ambientalistas e as conferências internacionais da Organização da Nações Unidas ? ONU aprofundaram o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável. Com base nesses elementos, o desenvolvime...
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