Trika Agnestasia Tarigan
Pág. 71 - 76
Longshore sediment transport is one of the main factors influencing coastal geomorphology along the Krui Coast, Pesisir Barat of Lampung. Longshore sediment transport is closely related to the longshore current that is generated when waves break obliquel...
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Nanda Nurisman, Trika Agnestasia Tarigan
Pág. 162 - 168
Labuhan Jukung Beach is one of the beaches in Kru, which is located on Krui Bay, West Coast District. This beach is a tourist beach directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean, so it has a high wave. Based on wind data from 2008 ? 2017 that be analyzed in this...
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Jun Wang, Bo Yang, Bingchen Liang, Zai-Jin You, Zhenlu Wang and Zhaowei Wang
In this study, laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of changes in storm wave height and water level on beach response in a medium-scale wave flume. A schematic storm was simulated (rising, apex, and waning phases). A non-int...
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Ángela Fontán-Bouzas, Tiago Abreu, Caroline C. Ferreira, Paulo A. Silva, Laura López-Olmedilla, José Guitián, Ana M. Bernabeu and Javier Alcántara-Carrió
The morphological responses of two mesotidal beaches located in different coastal settings (embayed and open sandy beaches) on the northwestern Iberian coast were monitored during the winter of 2018/19. The offshore wave time series analysis is related t...
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Achilleas G. Samaras and Theophanis V. Karambas
This work presents a new model for surf and swash zone morphology evolution induced by nonlinear waves. Wave transformation in the surf and swash zones is computed by a nonlinear wave model based on the higher order Boussinesq equations for breaking and ...
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Carlos Astudillo-Gutierrez, Iván Cáceres Rabionet, Vicente Gracia Garcia, Joan Pau Sierra Pedrico and Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo
An analysis of the interactions between wave-induced velocities and seagrass meadows has been conducted based on the large-scale CIEM wave flume data. Incident irregular wave trains act on an initial 1:15 sand beach profile with measurement stations from...
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Rui Yuan, Ruiyang Xu, Hezhenjia Zhang, Yutao Hua, Hongsheng Zhang, Xiaojing Zhong and Shenliang Chen
This study presents an in-depth analysis of the dynamic beach landscapes of Hainan Island, which is located at the southernmost tip of China. Home to over a hundred natural and predominantly sandy beaches, Hainan Island confronts significant challenges p...
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Helena Boniecka and Maria Kubacka
This article reviews the literature covering the period from 1965 to 2020 dedicated to the issue of artificial beach nourishment along the Polish coast, with a particular focus on the Hel Peninsula. The primary sources used in this work include 34 report...
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Miquel Mir-Gual, Guillem X. Pons, Irene Delgado-Fernández and Thomas A. G. Smyth
Blowouts are integral features of coastal dune fields. Their presence enhances both geomorphological and ecological diversity and enables the movement of sand by wind. Their role as a ?transport corridor? may be, however, considered negative from a coast...
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Sara Dionísio António, Jebbe van der Werf, Erik Horstman, Iván Cáceres, José Alsina, Joep van der Zanden and Suzanne Hulscher
This paper presents new data from large-scale wave flume experiments. It shows the beach profile evolution and sediment transport for two different bed slopes (1:15 and 1:25), and three irregular high-energy erosive wave conditions and one low-energy acc...
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