András Tamás, Elza Kovács, Éva Horváth, Csaba Juhász, László Radócz, Tamás Rátonyi and Péter Ragán
Remote sensing is an efficient tool to detect vegetation heterogeneity and dynamics of crop development in real-time. In this study, the performance of three maize hybrids (Fornad FAO-420, Merida FAO-380, and Corasano FAO-490-510) was monitored as a func...
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Jesús Enrique Andrades-Grassi, Deyriana del Valle Vásquez Rivas, Luis E. Gámez, Gerardo G. Rodríguez L.
Pág. 36 - 50
Hugo Castro Noblejas, Jesús Vías Martínez and Matías F. Mérida Rodríguez
The landscape is a factor considered when choosing to purchase a dwelling, and, therefore, it influences the price of the real estate market. However, it is difficult to measure and assess its role, since it has a series of features that work in an integ...
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Hugo Castro Noblejas, Juan Francisco Sortino Barrionuevo, Darío Gumiel Muñoz and Matías Francisco Mérida Rodríguez
Natural lighting is a fundamental element in the habitability of dwellings. However, it is still difficult to calculate its effect on the façades of the buildings in detail, due to the morphological complexity of the property itself, as well as the envir...
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Erika Betzabeth Palafox-Juárez, Jorge Omar López-Martínez, José Luis Hernández-Stefanoni and Héctor Hernández-Nuñez
Climate change has severe consequences on ecosystem processes, as well as on people?s quality of life. It has been suggested that the loss of vegetation cover increases the land surface temperature (LST) due to modifications in biogeochemical patterns, g...
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Óscar López, Alfonso González, Francisco J. Álvarez and David Rodríguez
Specific disciplines in engineering, such as manufacturing processes, require students in their academic stage to pay special attention, given the possible changes that may affect the acquisition of competencies. In an environment of uncertainty, such as...
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Luzia Almeida Couto,Jéssica Souza Coqueiro,Mérida Layara Xavier Costa,Lucas Brito Landim
O seguinte estudo consistiu em quantificar todos os compostos presentes, em polpa de caju, congelada, vendida comercialmente na cidade de Guanambi ? BA, para tanto foi analisado a presença dos macro nutrientes (umidade, cinzas, proteínas, fibras, lipídio...
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Luzia Almeida Couto,Jéssica Souza Coqueiro,Mérida Layara Xavier Costa,Milton Ricardo Silveira Brandão,Cinara Soares Pereira Cafieiro
Atualmente, o mercado consumidor de produtos naturais, saudáveis e uma dieta rica em frutas tem crescido significativamente. A técnica de desidratação trata-se de um método de conservação, visto que, impede a deterioração do produto e perda d...
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Carmen Carla Quiroga Ledezma,Adrián Jaime Ortiz Mérida,Carlos Ramiro Escalera Vásquez
En este trabajo se evaluó la aplicación de un lecho fluidizado tipo surtidor (LFTS) en el proceso de remoción del perigonio y episperma en el grano de cañahua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen), variedad Illimani y ecotipo lasta rosada, provenientes de la...
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Luz Mary Belandria Osma,Mawency Vergel,Zulmary Nieto,Universidad de Los Andes-Venezuela Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Universidad de Santander-Colombia
Pág. 43 - 65
Los medios de comunicación representan, junto a la educación, una de las fuerzas de cambio de la sociedad universal. Los años recientes han impuesto modalidades y tecnologías que elevan su influencia, instantaneidad y penetración geográ...
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