Kermit W. Kuehn
Pág. 67 - 79
The decision literature has generally viewed an individual?s choice through the lens of cognitive psychology. This perspective has been a fruitful path in many ways, but not always satisfying in terms of results. Some recent studies in the field of psych...
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Zak Frentz, Seppe Kuehn, Doeke Hekstra, and Stanislas Leibler
Kerry Kuehn, Jonathan Polfer, Joanna Furno, and Nathan Finke
A. Concustell, N. Mattern, H. Wendrock, U. Kuehn, A. Gebert, J. Eckert, A.L. Greer, J. Sort and M.D.
Pág. 85 - 88
Ahmadi, H; Jain, R; Kuehn, P J; Leung, K K; Li, V O K
Pág. 1193 - 1196