Marta Rudnicka-Bogusz
Barracks built at the turn of the 20th century and in the 1930s in garrison towns in the Western Borderlands of Poland serve as the focal point of their cultural landscape. Traditions, which grew around these structures during three independent periods (...
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Vilmos Katona
This paper explores the working hypothesis that fractal patterns that closely match those found in nature are more likely to convey a strong sense of genius loci to humans by comparison with ?Euclidean? patterns that do not occur in nature frequently. A ...
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Sandra A. Leão Barros
Pág. Pág. 49 - 59
La escala barrio hace mucho se hace presente en el paisaje urbano recifense. Desde los primeros ingenios de azúcar en la cuenca del río Capibaribe, pasando por las parroquias y pueblos, arrabales, hoy Regiones Político-Administrativas y barrios component...
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Sandra A. Leão Barros
Pág. Pág. 60 - 89
A escala bairro há muito se faz presente na paisagem urbana recifense. Desde os primeiros engenhos no vale do Capibaribe, passando pelas freguesias e povoados, arrabaldes, hoje Regiões Político-Administrativas e bairros componentes. Esses contornos ainda...
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