Daniela Barbosa de Oliveira,Antonelli Santos Silva,Charles Albert Guerra,Karine Beraldo Magalhães Oliveira,Lucas Barbosa e Souza,Márcio Galdino dos Santos
O plano diretor é o instrumento que norteia a gestão e a ocupação de um município, sendo que seu processo de elaboração deve contar com ampla participação da sociedade por meio de audiências públicas. Em 2005, o município de Palmas, no Tocantins, deu iní...
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Rafael Suárez-Vega, Yolanda Santana-Jiménez, Juan M. Hernández and José Juan Santana-Figueroa
(1) Background: This work analyzes socioeconomic equity in bike-sharing systems. Specifically, we study the effect of income on bike use in an innovative way by analyzing the frequency of bike routes connecting areas with different mean incomes. (2) Meth...
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Katarzyna Pajak, Magdalena Idzikowska and Kamil Kowalczyk
The sea surface is variable in time and space; therefore, many researchers are currently interested in searching for dependencies and connections with the elements influencing this diversity, e.g., with the seabed topography. An important problem is comb...
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Eduardo González-Díaz, José Miguel Márquez-Martinón, Ana Pérez-García, Norena Martín-Dorta and Benjamín González-Díaz
Nowadays, a large amount of the total primary energy is consumed by buildings, accounting for about 40% of the total energy demand. Aligned with the EU objectives and the strategies to reduce the demand, cooling and heating are stated as the most energy ...
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Josefina Domínguez-Mujica, Jesús M. González-Pérez, Juan Manuel Parreño-Castellano and Dolores Sánchez-Aguilera
Mature tourism neighborhoods are a valuable laboratory for the study of socio-urban processes. In them, it is possible to analyze the urban transformations and social changes linked to tourism cycles: those corresponding to the stage of tourism involveme...
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Inés Galindo, Markes E. Johnson, Esther Martín-González, Carmen Romero, Juana Vegas, Carlos S. Melo, Sérgio P. Ávila and Nieves Sánchez
This study examines the role of North Atlantic storms degrading a Late Pleistocene rocky shoreline formed by basaltic rocks overlying hyaloclastite rocks on a small volcanic peninsula connected to Gran Canaria in the central region of the Canary Archipel...
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Renato Torres Pinheiro,Dianes Gomes Marcelino,Dieyson Rodrigues Moura
Pág. 565 - 582
O processo de urbanização é o principal elemento transformador dos ambientes urbanos. Com a implantação das estruturas que compõe o ambiente urbano (ruas, avenidas, prédios, etc.) a arborização autóctone é indiscriminadamente suprimida em praticamente to...
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Lucimara Albieri de Oliveira,Wanellyse Sousa Menezes
Pág. 157 - 178
O artigo visa discutir o processo de verticalização em Palmas e suas correlações com políticas públicas e leis urbanísticas, identificando implicações na segregação socioespacial. Palmas, capital do Tocantins, foi criada em 1989 a partir de um projeto ur...
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Roberta Samara Barros Nunes,Juan Carlos Valdés Serra
O estudo teve como objetivo estimar a taxa de aproveitamento da matéria-prima e a quantidade de resíduos de madeira provenientes de movelarias em Palmas - TO visando as possíveis alternativas para o aproveitamento ou descarte correto. O trabalho foi real...
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Francisco Cebrián-Abellán, María José Piñeira-Mantiñán and Jesús M. González-Pérez
The 2008 crisis entailed a turning point in the process of creating and managing cities and territories. There has been a change from a city model, based on expansive growth, which was also speculative and deregulated, had provoked an unprecedented expan...
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