Antonios Saravanos and Matthew X. Curinga
This study employs a simulation-based approach, adapting the waterfall model, to provide estimates for software project and individual phase completion times. Additionally, it pinpoints potential efficiency issues stemming from suboptimal resource levels...
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Hadi Rashidi, Mohsen Najarchi and Seyed Mohammad Mirhosseini Hezaveh
Scouring depends on several factors, including the water flow of artificial obstacles, sections, piers, and foundations, the disturbance of bed materials, and soil permeability. The other factors are the non-parallelism between piers and the water flow, ...
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Sanjaya Chathuranga, Shan Jayasinghe, Jurgita Antucheviciene, Ruwan Wickramarachchi, Nilan Udayanga and W. A. S. Weerakkody
The aim of this study is to identify practices that would enable building construction companies to adopt agile project management methodologies during the design stage of projects that use building information modelling (BIM) solutions in the designing ...
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Paryanta Paryanta,Neira Anjar Puji Susilo,Elisa Puspita Rahayu
Pág. HAL. 162 - 172
Mara Coffee & Eatery adalah sebuah kedai kopi di wilayah kota Surakarta tepatnya di kelurahan Mojosongo, kecamatan Jebres. Mara Coffee & Eatery merupakan bisnis yang bergerak pada penjualan minuman dan makanan, khususnya minuman kopi. Proses bisn...
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Ratna Herawati,Budhi Sumboro,Ainun Najib
Pág. HAL. 1 - 8
Pandemi Covid-19 mengakibatkan seluruh kegiatan pelatihan harus dialihkan secara daring. Untuk membantu proses pembelajaran dan pelatihan desain grafis pada BLK Karanganyar, dibuat aplikasi yang berisi materi, tugas serta dilengkapi dengan uji kompetensi...
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Paryanta Paryanta,Kristono Kristono,Bartolomius Daniel Dillon Baskoro
Pág. HAL. 21 - 30
Bintang Car Wash adalah usaha yang khususnya bergerak di bidang jasa pencucian mobil, semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia, sarana transportasi telah menjadi kebutuhan utama manusia. Ini membuat bintang car wash semakin berkembang. Pencatatan data pela...
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Sutariyani Sutariyani,Hartati Dyah W,Gabriel Natalino Ega Tutuko
Pág. HAL. 31 - 42
Gereja Kristen Jawa Jebres merupakan rumah ibadah dan aktif dalam menjalankan kegiatan kerohanian, sebelumnya untuk memperoleh data gereja dan mendaftar baptis, katekisasi, dan pernikahan masih dilakukan dengan berkunjung secara langsung, menggunakan pen...
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Fernando Almeida, Jorge Simões and Sérgio Lopes
The combined adoption of Agile and DevOps enables organizations to cope with the increasing complexity of managing customer requirements and requests. It fosters the emergence of a more collaborative and Agile framework to replace the waterfall models ap...
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Rulyanti Susi Wardhani,(Universitas Bangka BelitungIndonesia)Ghiri Basuki Putra,(Universitas Bangka BelitungIndonesia)Julia Julia,(Universitas Bangka BelitungIndonesia)
Pág. 157 - 171
The pepper plant is a main commodity for farmer in the Bangka city because it has a reasonably high selling power and a distinctive taste also long history. Still, many problems occur because Bangka Belitung has a national and international role, resulti...
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Djulwini Fred Dachi, Hevalda Eppa, Muthmainnah Muthmainnah
Pág. 323 - 329
As a distributor company CV. MAKMUR needs to use information technology not only for selling its products but also in warehouse inventory management, where there is no longer recording and calculating inventory using Microsoft Excel, where there are seve...
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