Sayed Shah Jan Sadiqi, Won-Ho Nam, Kyoung-Jae Lim and Eunmi Hong
This study investigated the effects of nonpoint source (NPS) pollution reduction and pollutant dynamics in a highland agricultural watershed in Korea. We employed the SWAT model to simulate hydrological processes and pollution transport within the waters...
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Jinming Chen, Xiao Yang, Haiya Dao, Haowen Gu, Gang Chen, Changshu Mao, Shihan Bai, Shixiang Gu, Zuhao Zhou and Ziqi Yan
Water, soil, and heat are strategic supporting elements for human survival and social development. The degree of matching between human-land-water-heat elements directly influences the sustainable development of a region. However, the current evaluation ...
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José F. Ródenas-García, Ramón A. Otón-Martínez, Joaquín Sancho-Val, Oscar de Francisco Ortiz, Roberto Jiménez Pacheco and Iván Gil Garnacho
Terrorists usually employ Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) to cause maximum damage with a single action, in asymmetric war scenarios. In the counter-terrorism fight, bomb disposal specialists have to combat these instruments by safeguarding their live...
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Durlov Lahon, Dhrubajyoti Sahariah, Jatan Debnath, Nityaranjan Nath, Gowhar Meraj, Pankaj Kumar, Shizuka Hashimoto and Majid Farooq
The alteration of land use and land cover caused by human activities on a global scale has had a notable impact on ecosystem services at regional and global levels, which are crucial for the survival and welfare of human beings. Merbil, a small freshwate...
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Jianye Cao, Zhicheng Yan, Jinquan Wan, Yan Wang, Gang Ye, Yingping Long and Quanmo Xie
Water security plays a critical role in the development and stability of a region. Constructing an objective and reasonable evaluation indicator system is beneficial to quantitatively evaluating the regional water security status and improving water reso...
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Bijian Jian, Chunbo Ma, Dejian Zhu, Yixiao Sun and Jun Ao
Imaging through a wavy water?air interface is challenging since light rays are bent by unknown amounts, leading to complex geometric distortions. Considering the restoration of instantaneous distorted images, this paper proposes an image recovery model v...
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Rama Bedri and Thomas Piechota
Historical and future drought and surplus periods in the Colorado River basin are evaluated based on eight climate scenarios. Unimpaired streamflow from 17 stations in the Colorado River are evaluated based on U.S. Geological Survey, Bureau of Reclamatio...
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Minxue He
This work aims to assess potential changes in the mean and extreme precipitation and temperature across the Sacramento?San Joaquin Delta (Delta) in California in the 21st century. The study employs operative climate model projections from the Coupled Mod...
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Daixiao Lu, Zhiliang Lu, Zhirong Han, Xian Xu and Ying Huang
The blockage is one of the important factors affecting the icing of airfoils in wind tunnel tests. In this paper, numerical simulations are conducted to study the effect of blockage on the icing of different airfoils. By reducing the height of testing wi...
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Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers, Agnese Krievina, Ilze Upite and Daniels Kotovs
Today?s global food system (including production, transportation, processing, packing, storage, retail sale, consumption, losses and waste) provides income to more than a billion people all over the world and makes up a significant part of many countries...
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