Nhung Nguyen, Louisa M. Holmes, Minji Kim and Pamela M. Ling
Sebastian Sailer, Giorgia Sebastiani, Vicente Andreu-Férnández and Oscar García-Algar
Maternal tobacco smoking during pregnancy remains a major public health issue. The neurotoxic properties of nicotine are associated with fetal neurodevelopmental disorders and perinatal morbimortality. Recent research has demonstrated the effects of nico...
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Humidah Alanazi, Abdelhabib Semlali, Witold Chmielewski and Mahmoud Rouabhia
Neil McKeganey and Tiffany Dickson
Whilst e-cigarettes have been characterised by Public Health England as being around 95% less harmful than combustible tobacco products, only a minority of current smokers (around 16% within the UK) are using these devices. In this paper we report the re...
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Martijn Van Heel, Dinska Van Gucht, Koen Vanbrabant and Frank Baeyens
This study examined the impact of four variables pertaining to the use of e-cigarettes (e-cigs) on cravings for tobacco cigarettes and for e-cigs after an overnight abstinence period. The four variables were the nicotine level, the sensorimotor component...
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Tomoyasu Hirano, Takahiro Tabuchi, Rika Nakahara, Naoki Kunugita and Yumiko Mochizuki-Kobayashi
The benefit of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) in smoking cessation remains controversial. Recently, e-cigarettes have been gaining popularity in Japan, without evidence of efficacy on quitting cigarettes. We conducted an online survey to collect in...
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Gillian S. Gould, Yael Bar Zeev, Laura Tywman, Christopher Oldmeadow, Simon Chiu, Marilyn Clarke and Billie Bonevski
Shirley A. James, Ellen M. Meier, Theodore L. Wagener, Katherine M. Smith, Barbara R. Neas and Laura A. Beebe
The aim of this study was to determine if 31 women with cervical dysplasia and associated conditions exacerbated by smoking would be successful substituting cigarettes with their choice of either nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or electronic cigarette...
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